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DC via VGA

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    DC via VGA

    I did a very silly thing about two months ago and sold my modded Jap DC and most of my games (i have a habit of doing silly things) i regret it badly. However i did keep the majority of 2d beatemups i had so it isn't all bad, recently i managed to purchase a mint boxed blaze VGA adaptor for a fiver(which was nice) what i need to know is how good is the DC via VGA, take into account i own a 42inch plasma which it will be played on.
    Is it worth me buying another DC(i should own one anyway) to sample the delights of VGA gaming and how does a pal & ntsc console differ if any via VGA.
    Also do the none RGB compatable games like Vampire Chronicles, SSFIIX etc work via VGA ????
    I know many DC experts frequent this forum so please help a silly gamer that has seen the error in his ways !!