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ign insider - is it worth it?

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    ign insider - is it worth it?

    I'm thinking of signing up.

    For the video reviews and previews possibly if you like that sort of thing but your not getting much more than that as an insider and if you have a fast net connection. If not dont bother.


      I wouldn't bother personally, their content is just getting weaker and weaker. I signed up for it a time ago and when they started resorting to features like Halo > Halo2 comparison ( the graphics in Halo2 are improved! I can barely feel the labotomy scars! ) and making the decent res versions of all their video clips 'Insider' I knew it was time to stop giving them any ammount of my money.

      Gamespot Complete seems to offer quite a bit more, plus they aren't as suseptable to IGN's flights of fancy ( where 9.0 becomes an average score ), so if you're after a decent subscription service I'd go for that one myself.


        In a word, no. Most of the trailer videos and stuff are later released to the public anyway through other sites and the walkthroughs are truly dire. Don't even mention the reviews.

        On the other hand, it's pretty cheap so it's up to you. The hands-on impressions are pretty detailed as well. If you really can't wait, then I suppose it's alright.


          thanks guys, I prolly wont get it, i'll just stick to the awsome views and reviews on !!!

