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ftp proxy

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    ftp proxy

    Hi all.
    I have an ftp problem. I have webspace on lycos but they do not allow asian PCs to access their ftp for some reason. So my IP seems to be blocked and I cannot upload or download very easily.
    I have been updating my website using a web based ftp solution but it is slow and restricted. It is usable for a lot of what I do but it is a pain and really crap for photos as it takes ages to put them all on (including thumbnails) as there is a 5 file limit.

    Anyone got any great ideas to help me out here?

    This may sound like a really dumb question, but what do you mean by an Asian PC?


      I'm guessing they reverse DNS and block PCs that fall outside of a specific region...

      I've written things that do similar for work.


        Originally posted by saif
        Anyone got any great ideas to help me out here?
        Double check its not an ftp/firewall problem.

        Are you behind a firewall? Check whether you should be using active or passive connections, try ftp without a firewall if possible.

        Try a few different ftp clients just in case.

        Try contacing Lycos to find out if they are blocking you.

        Otherwise... you could upload to some intermediate ftp space, then upload to lycos from there using a shell account... which would be more grief than your web uploading unless you automated it.


          There is no such thing as a dumb question Marcus. Only dumb people!
          By "asian PC" I meant that I am in asia now. And tripod seem to block the IP addresses of alarge portion of Asian ISPs. I have actually got an Asian PC of sorts but I expect much of it is American really.

          Papercut, how can I double check its a firewall issue or not? I have no firewall on my PC but there may be something from my ISP.
          I have tried about 3 ftp clients and none worked on passive mode (as instructed by tripod).
          I'll try and get hold of Lycos and ask actually. It just wasn't much of an issue before but I have posted pictures up (of Japan and China) and it takes such a long time doing it in chunks of five. And I find i tricky to keep track of updates too. I only have a little head
          I thought there would be a relatively simple way of proxying.


            Originally posted by saif
            Papercut, how can I double check its a firewall issue or not? I have no firewall on my PC but there may be something from my ISP.
            I wouldn't have thought it would be your ISP, I meant more if you were running a software firewall or were behind a nat router (like an ADSL router/modem).

            Originally posted by saif
            I have tried about 3 ftp clients and none worked on passive mode (as instructed by tripod).
            You could try active, just in case. If Tripos is your ISP and they are advising you to use passive ftp, maybe they are firewalling your connection after all.

            Originally posted by saif
            I'll try and get hold of Lycos and ask actually. It just wasn't much of an issue before but I have posted pictures up (of Japan and China) and it takes such a long time doing it in chunks of five. And I find i tricky to keep track of updates too. I only have a little head
            Probably your best bet to ask Lycos. You might have a situation where their ftp servers allows active connections only, and your ISP allows passive ftp connections only (if they do firewall your Internet connection).

            Originally posted by saif
            I thought there would be a relatively simple way of proxying.
            It seems like there should be, but I can't think of much else. Some different web space or different file transfer protocol (like sftp) would be the simplest solution.


              Papercut. Thank you so much for your help. I will have a look into it but, tbh, a lot of this is going way over my little head.

              Ona a related note, anyone know any good free webspace

