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XBox Vice City Crash Bugs

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    XBox Vice City Crash Bugs

    Is anyone else being plagued by this game freezing up repeatedly? I've had it happen over half a dozen times in the last few days. The finest hour was when the game froze up mid mission and then proceeded to corrupt my save game file meaning I had to start...all...over...again. ft:


    It's been a long time since I had such a bugged console game. Dammit all

    Never thought your Xbox is faulty? Sounds similar to what happened to mine.


      The PS2 versions were bug ridden, but the never erased any saves. Rockstar North isn't really reknowned for their coding skills.


        XBox has been fine with every other game I've got. It didn't erase my save file it just corrupted it so that when the game autoloads the most recent save it froze up.

        Just noticed a few comments in the Vice City specific thread stating other people have been having crash problems.
        Have they fixed the PS2 bug where your save file gets corrupted if you save at the Ice Cream Factory in Vice City?
        I guess not as this is where my corrupted file was saved.


          I was gonna ask here... my brother recently got Vice City on PS2 second hand recently and it's started to lock up quite frequently... bugs in the game or problem with the disc? No visible damage to it btw...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            Can't comment on the Xbox version, but I can say to Mayhem that my PS2 version has been quite stable. If it has locked up, then it would only have been once, but I'm not sure it is even that many... I'm fairly sure it isn't a universal problem. Incidentally, I'm using a non-modded V8 PS2, if that is of interest.


              Saved at Cherry poper ice cream factory?
              That'll be it. One of the biggest glitches, and they left it in? Theres a word for Developers who do that.

              Ive been playing my PS2 version for about 6-9 hours a day, and have had no freeze ups, or glitches. Just some bad texture pop up in places, are the textures renowned for not always loading?

              Maybe Im just lucky to not have major glitches. Game says Im about 50% through it.
              Running USA version on Messiah PAL PS2.


                In our case it's a PAL copy running on a PAL unmodded (for now) v9 PS2. He's got yay far into the game, and then it seems to freeze on a number of different missions he gets henceforth...
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                  I didn't play my PS2 copy much, simply because it kept locking up on me. Eventually I just gave up and sold the damn game.


                    The PS2 versions of GTA III and Vice City locked up on me a few times. But I've probably played them both 100+ hours in total since owning them.

                    The Xbox versions I haven't had a problem with so far when it comes to crashing. Even with regards to people and cars disappearing the moment your back gets turned, or where you left your own motor...

                    Vice City, in particular, seems a lot more stable in this aspect.


                      I've had no problems with Xbox Vice City yet.
                      On GTA3 it froze twice when I was trying to save, which was annoying, but can't really be a major problem as it has happened so infrequently.


                        ahem...pc version...ahem....


                          Hey my PS2 version of GTA3 keeps crashing too... i thought it must be the disk too.

                          It starts working again though if you open and close the disk-drive!


                            both my GTA 3 and VC freeze up after about 15 hours on the pal Xbox. then all the textures disapeared and were replaced by low res textures worthy of an n64 game. also sometimes its takes a while to load up the option screen when i pause the game. I think the gameis jus a bug ridden game that itll always feck up. Especially how its a port as well, even with its improvments its still pretty fudged!


