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    Can anyone advise me to a decent book on ASP.NET? Thanks very much!


    Get the wrox book, or Sams learn it in..."insert timeframe"

    They're always better than most programming books out there in my experience

    Not read up on .net thou, but they were best for asp and php


      Wrox don't exist anymore, though you can obviously still pick up their books. Sams are sh*t as well. This is your best bet:

      There's a VB.NET version too.

      Without doubt, one of the best IT books I've read.


        At the moment, the best .NET books are being produced by Addison-Wesley, MS Press, APress and O'Reilly.

        APress have picked up a lot of the Wrox authors.

        Seriously, if you want to learn anything, to actually be able to use it, never go with a SAMS Learn in * hours/days book. Programming for clowns.


          Thanks very much guys. Ill take a look and see what i can get me hands on. Thanks again!



            I don't even read books on this stuff anymore, the net is a much better (and free) resource.... I found wrox and sams to be the best for me 4 years ago!


              Originally posted by AllYourBase
              I don't even read books on this stuff anymore, the net is a much better (and free) resource.... I found wrox and sams to be the best for me 4 years ago!
              Indeed. A book is often your best way in to a topic though. I've never learned any major technologies using the Internet as the main resource. The best way of using it is when you need to know about something more specific, or more general, if that makes sense. Specific solutions to problems, or to get the general flavour of the technologies.

              .NET is so huge though, my library is somewhere around 20 books. ADO.NET, ASP.NET, C#, BCL, Remoting, WinForms, Web Services, etc.


                Originally posted by recipher
                .NET is so huge though, my library is somewhere around 20 books. ADO.NET, ASP.NET, C#, BCL, Remoting, WinForms, Web Services, etc.
                My skillz have quickly become outdated! Time to become a project manager!


                  Originally posted by recipher
                  .NET is so huge though, my library is somewhere around 20 books. ADO.NET, ASP.NET, C#, BCL, Remoting, WinForms, Web Services, etc.
                  It is but to be honest as long as you've got a reasonable grasp of general programming concepts and know how to find things out (as in how to use the net well!) its a piece of piss.... I've found it a very easy system to become a jack of all trades of all its areas and a master of a couple. At least its a piece of piss compared to grappling with the inner workings of COM in the last few years and the API 'back in the day' of Microsoft C and Windows 3.1!

