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Mac OSX Panther

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    Mac OSX Panther

    I already have 10.2.8 on my mac and on eBay I have seen an updater disc that will take my mac up to OSX 10.3 Panther.

    The problem with the disc is it's in America so I imagine it's American.
    If it is American, will it install on my UK mac? Are computers region specific like consoles or will it work fine?
    Also the auction doesn't come with the developer discs, will this cause a problem during install or are they only needed if I plan on developing software?
    Any advice is much appreciated.


    Originally posted by bowser123
    I already have 10.2.8 on my mac and on eBay I have seen an updater disc that will take my mac up to OSX 10.3 Panther.

    The problem with the disc is it's in America so I imagine it's American.
    If it is American, will it install on my UK mac? Are computers region specific like consoles or will it work fine?
    Also the auction doesn't come with the developer discs, will this cause a problem during install or are they only needed if I plan on developing software?
    Any advice is much appreciated.

    afaik it'll work fine on your UK mac, picking up your default settings of UK and using that as its cue to install UK files.

    My install of 10.3 was from an Apple devseed (yes, its legal!), from the US, and it installed all the UK settings just fine.

    All OS X install discs are multinational.
    As long as it has the 3 installer discs then you're ready to go as long as you don't want to develop.

    hope this helps


      Cheers Muddy.

      I'm sure when I installed the original OSX it asked me whether I wanted to install English or International English (meaning England) amongst other languages, hopefully this disc will give me the same options ao it shouldn't matter about the origin of the disc.

      Way-hey, cheap OSX Panther for me


        my mum wants to insatll osx, but the prob is that the version she has is 10.0 and the version all her stuff (printer scanner etc) is version 10.3 and above and i cant seem to find an updater

        anybody know why?


          10.3 is not an update of 10.1 or 10.2, its a new os, so you need the whole caboodle, not just an update.


            Get away from OSX 10.0 as quick as possible

            From my brief go of it, it was so slow and unstable that it was painfull.
            My advice is upgrade to 10.3 and be stunned by how much better it is. 10.2 is a huge, huge leap forward as well, in fact I've been using it for ages now.

            Check eBay (type mac panther in search items available to UK) for this upgrade, 10.3 is going for under ?50 with postage and 10.2 for ?25ish. I wouldn't reccomend bothering with giving ?100 for the version they sell in shops (only difference is you get a big box which I'm sure isn't worth the ?55 or so difference) TBH.


              The finder in Panther is superb. In previous versions it's a navigational nightmare. THe F10, F11, & 12 keys are fantastic for whipping stuff about and getting what you want.


                Originally posted by macosx!
                The finder in Panther is superb. In previous versions it's a navigational nightmare. THe F10, F11, & 12 keys are fantastic for whipping stuff about and getting what you want.

                WOW !!!! so they are

                I really should look at what else this OS does


                  There is a rumour you can go on the internet with it guy


                    Originally posted by Shimmyhill
                    There is a rumour you can go on the internet with it guy
                    Technology, it's going a little too fast for me


                      Updaters are fine, but there's nothing like a clean install to clear out the cobwebs and optimise the system.

                      As for foreign OS's my Japanese iMac was running a Japanese version of OSX.2 and it was possible to make it as English as diabolical shop service. All the iApps were fully international also. Only problem was with Appleworks (not for the first time ) had to buy a new copy of the piece of crap.

                      Anyway the iMacs now running 10.3 (US) and iLife4 (UK) no probs.


                        Appleworks is horrible.
                        Admitadely I haven't tried a new version but the one I got free with my mac wasn't even worth the nothing I paid for it.
                        It's the only bad piece of Apple made software I've ever used, I think.
                        Quark is so much better.


                          Originally posted by bowser123
                          Appleworks is horrible.
                          Admitadely I haven't tried a new version.
                          There isn't a "new version" per se, Appleworks hasn't been updated in a long time and I'd guess it's probably dead inside the company. There have been rumors of a new set of iApp's for word processing and spreadsheets but we've seen nothing yet

                          Quark is so much better.
                          Well as it's a professional page layout program and priced as such I should certainly hope so.


                            Originally posted by bowser123
                            Appleworks is horrible.
                            Admitadely I haven't tried a new version but the one I got free with my mac wasn't even worth the nothing I paid for it.
                            It's the only bad piece of Apple made software I've ever used, I think.
                            Quark is so much better.
                            Appleworks is only there to offer backwards compatibility to Claris Works documents. Quark is da bomb though...ooooh yeah!


                              Quark? What's wrong with InDesign?

