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GBA Flash cart questions

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    GBA Flash cart questions


    A bit risky, no doubt, but I have a few questions.

    My folks are going to hong kong for the new year, and Im asking them to pick me up one, purely for homebrew, and to consolidate all my old GB carts I have lying around.

    Anyway, what models do you recomend?
    I basically need it to run GB/GBC and the odd GBA game.
    Id also like to have an internal clock.
    And of course easy to navigate menu, for all that cool homebrew.

    I hear though, that they dont actually run GB or GBC games, is this true?

    What size should I go for? I see there are like 512 and higher sized carts.

    What about defects and glitches?

    Also, what about saving? Do they all do normal saves?
    What about quick saves?

    Basically, Im totally new to this, so clue me up daddio.

    Oh, and if you have any recomendations about other stuff my folks should bring back from hong kong, post them here! or PM me.
    They said I must write up a big list. Priority items? Another famicom system and FamiApDVD (like you could ever have too many ), and Propellar Arena on DC!

    This is different to my relative was contracted to China, he wasnt actualy going to HK, whilst my folks are going right into the HK heart.

    i have a 256 flash2advance. it has a USB connector and is easy peasy to operate.

    i only use it for gba games, and it just allocates some of the cart to saving the games. i am not quite sure how it works but it is all really simple to use.


      Ive done some research, will get them to pick up an EZFA 512 hopefully.

      but damn, it turns out, its not so easy to run standard GB games on it. I need goomba, whatever the hell that is.

      Anyone have any experience with GB or GBC?


        I've heard that HK shops often refuse to sell goods to westerners, so good luck.

        Goomba is a Gameboy emulator - it only works with GB games. I haven't used it, but apparently it has decent compatability with GB games. There is no way of running GB games on the system directly using the EZFA.

        I've never needed to use Goomba though... gotta a GB Xchanger.


          right, so I dont need a bridge?
          I get goomba. Put it on my EZFA along with my GB games, and away I go?

          Ive heard from some I might need to buy a GB bridge, Ive seen pics, looks like a big plastic box I plug in the back, but that sounds like alot of hassle.

          Old GB and GBC will run via emu? How well does it run, do you know? Im eager to play alien 3 and goemon again.

          What is GB Xchanger?

          oh, and why do they refuse to sell to westerners? that sucks.
          My folks who will be going, look old and unasuming, will that help or hinder in their attempts to purchase me HK goods?

          cheers for all the help.


            GB Bridges don't work with the EZFA linker or the newer F2A linkers, so you can forget that idea.

            You believe you get Goomba, and use the injector software to put GB games into the emulator. Then you upload it onto your GBA flash linker. It's compatability is supposedly good in GB games although I've never needed to use it, and it doesn't emulate GBC.

            A GB Xchanger is a dedicated Gameboy Colour flash linker, so I've never needed to use Goomba so I'm not sure about compatability.

            I have no idea about buying stuff within HK, I can only tell you what I've heard - and that is they are very wary about selling stuff to westerners and will refuse to sell anything illegal even if they blatantly sell it and will try to rip westerners off in comparison to "regular" prices.

