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What ever happened to the EDGE forum?

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    What ever happened to the EDGE forum?

    i thought it was going off line for a month or so, but it has been nearly a year.

    what an earth happened? is there a story behind it, or is this a mystery to everyone (including edge).....

    any thoughts answers appreciated..

    They closed it down because:
    a) they were getting too much abuse
    b) the staff was spending far too much time there
    c) running costs

    It was meant to come back, but obviously they didn't feel like it was worth while. It's been gone too long now, I don't think that many would return (other than the ones who desperately wanted to get quoted in the magazine or by one of the staff members on the forum itself).


      It became much less sycophantic, and therefore useless


        rllmuk is basicly the new edge forum.


          I heard someone dropped a gaybomb on the forum but don't quote me on it.


            Originally posted by yashiro
            someone dropped a gaybomb on the forum


              Hes the new Burai i tell thee.


                /me registers at rllmuk lol.


                  Originally posted by Ginza
                  Hes the new Burai i tell thee.
                  Cheeky bugger.

                  I'm 2% funnier..easy.


                    Ah dont be so hard on yourself your at least 3% funnier. (hes not here so i suppose its safe to say that)


                      Originally posted by probeater
                      rllmuk is basicly the new edge forum.
                      It is but I feel ntsc-uk is an antidote to the constant sniping and elitism on rllmuk.The people here are much nicer and I actually chill out here,whilst on the other forum,I seem to be grinding my teeth far too much.

                      Seems more of a community here.


                        Yes. I tried the EDGE forum for a while, back in its early days, although I was more of a lurker there. Basically the atmosphere just felt incredibly hostile... As if everyone was trying to constantly better each other with their pearls of wisdom. A result of this was that no one actually listened or seemed to communicate with each other in discussions. They'd just quote, quote, quote and rip each other apart...

                        I've really only found the need to visit two relatively easy going, intelligent forums on the net. The one here at NTSC-uk, and the other over at GameCritics. I avoid the rest like the plague.

                        That isn't to say there isn't elitism or negativity here, but the vital thing is people seem to tolerate and be willing to listen to one another.

                        Again, I don't want to sound like I'm having a downer on the old EDGE forum or Rllmuk, as I'm sure there were/are plenty of knowledgable, communicable people there... But from my experience, I just didn't enjoy the vibe.

