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Jpn DC wont boot anything:(

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    Jpn DC wont boot anything:(

    Sorry to start yet another faulty DC topic but like many others i have had the urge to grab my dc(jpn) from the cupboard and play some games BUT nothing will boot the dc only comes onto the main menu and is trying to load the game(i have tried loads) but does not want to shift from there! the problem is the last time i played the dc(about 2 months ago) there were no problems at all

    so anyone have a clue whats going on?is it the laser or something?

    btw its nothing to do with random reseting(well i dont think) as i have had that problem with previous DC's and it is nothing like this, as games are not booting at all(or music).

    any help will be much appreciated.

    You can pick up Dreamcasts for next to nothing now - even skank places like Cash Convertors usually have quite a few in stock going cheap. Get yourself another Dreamcast and swap the drives over, I bought some and have 2 spare drives for mine -

    T3h legend will NEVER die!


      Take the top cover off and check the little switch to the rear right of the GDrom drive, Connect it all up with the top off and put a game on the drive hold back the switch and turn the power on.

      Let us know what happens.


        well before i read your post kron i had a little play around the inside of the dc(was a little risky but hey, it didnt work ) and fiddled with a few things(like a little child including fiddling with that black switch type thing in the corner) and then connected it all back up and now it works

        it seams weird as i didnt even do much in there, but im not complaining as now im playing 3rd strike again

