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General DVDBoxoffice Reliability?

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    General DVDBoxoffice Reliability?

    Just trying to establish if I should be having a go at them, my postie or customs and exise. I ordered Animal Crossing about four weeks ago (and paid for it) but still haven't received my copy. About two weeks ago I e-mailed them to ask what was happening and they replied saying some items would take a while to get hold of. The thing is AC was down as being in stock when I ordered, which was the only reason I went with them (Lik-Sang had an estimated wait of about a week). In addition to this my order history says it has already been shipped. Basically the reply I got made very little sense so I asked them to clarify, twice, and have yet to receive another reply. I'm obviously a bit miffed but if it's been held up in customs or my postie's decided to give himself an early Christmas present then I'll hold off calling my credit card company. In general, how do people find them as a company? I'm sure it's probably just an admin error but I'm a bit sick of being on the sh*tty end of them. My name's David Smith and it tends to happen quite a lot.

    If it is not a preorder then it is pot luck. My Metroid Prime and Wavebird got posted within a couple of days each, my "1984" DVD has so far taken three weeks and still hasn't been posted.


    Noticed you said it has been shipped. Sorry, ignore me.


      I have no problem with DVD Box Office, for films or games. They are by far the cheapest place for American/Canadian stuff, and postage is free, so I don't mind the wait. I've never had anything take longer that 10 days to arrive (once i'ts been shipped).

      Back orders can take an age, but if you're really desperate for something right away, better to go with someone else.


        I preordered DMC2 (before anyone knew it was going to be so ****, obviously) back in December, and was invoiced for it at the end of January. It still hasn't turned-up, and they aren't replying to my emails.


          I've ordered from them twice (Daytona for the DC and Zelda WW) and delivery times were 11 days and 10 days respectively.

          If I am in a rush to get a game (I usually am) I prefer to use Tronix.


            I'd be amazed if it were a customs problem mate - DVDBO reship parcels through European hub countries in order to avoid this.

            The downside to the process is that delivery can take a while.


              Originally posted by Treble
              I preordered DMC2 (before anyone knew it was going to be so ****, obviously) back in December, and was invoiced for it at the end of January. It still hasn't turned-up, and they aren't replying to my emails.
              Sounds familiar. My postie's safe for another recorded delivery. Should this sort of thing not be illegal though? It happened with the freeloader farce and a lot of people got stung, especially off Lik-Sang when the went down for a few weeks.


                Originally posted by charlie angel
                I'd be amazed if it were a customs problem mate - DVDBO reship parcels through European hub countries in order to avoid this.

                The downside to the process is that delivery can take a while.
                That's what I wasn't sure about, thanks for clarifying though.


                  Might be an idea to phone and ask about your order...


                    Over the last 18 months I've spent the best part of two grand at DVDBO. Mainly on DVDs but also plenty of PC and console games. And the odd xbox accessory. If it's a preorder, they usually get shipped on the release day or the day after. I'm in Derby and stuff usually arrives within seven days, sometimes six. They always send one dvd/game in a jiffy bag, all seperate, even if it's a multiple order. For example, I'll order all four volumes of Gundam 0083. If they get them at the same time, they'll ship them seperately on the same day. Interestingly, if it's something larger, a PC game for intsance, or a DVD box set, it can come as quickly as four days. Now, if your ordering something listed on their site that's already released, it can take longer. I ordered the Gundam Movie box set back in September and I recieved it in February. Your mileage may vary. I have never had anything they've sent go missing. They are poor at replying to emails though.


                      i think dvdboxoffice are a good bet, I successfully ordered a Wavebird from there and it worked out may take a little longer than a UK place but i think it's cheaper and reliable. Have a go.

