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Call of Duty Multiplayer

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    Call of Duty Multiplayer

    Is anybody else playing this online?

    Since I tried it out first thing Sunday I just can't get enough of it! The Search & Destroy game mode is particularly good fun. And I've found that the majority of players online actually cooperate. Which is a good job as you last about 5 seconds on your own.

    Anyhoo if you owe the game its well worth checking out. Fun guaranteed

    yep i've got this game and it is the one that gets played the most it is absolutely brill


      This game is class online, demolition mode being the king.

      Behind Enemy Lines was a bit of a laugh when theres 40 other people playing


        Anyone wanting to meet up on a server. Spudnuts and me have a server we play on and anyone is welcomed to come along and join in. Just give me a PM for the server address and we can arrange a time. 8)

        Usually better after 10 cos I do lag a bit during peak times


          Yep, I quite like playing this online too.

          Usually go under the same moniker as my name sake here.


            You've not been on tonight have you Bleeders? There was a Bleeders on the server I've been playing on all night.


              I'd be up for a game tonight if anyone's interested.

              Have had CoD for a while but didn't get into it's multiplayer cos all my mates were playing bloody Rainbow Six 3 and I like playing with a team.


                Re: Ish.

                Nah mate, wasn't on last-night. Sounds like someone's half-inched my moniker.

                Usually I go on as 'Bleeders', but can be found loitering under the moniker of 'Sandbox Magician' as well.


                  I love this game online.

                  I played for about five weeks straight, and at the end of it I was ending up in first or second place after every game. I'd love an online game, but wouldn't want to embarass you lot


                    Yeah been loving this for a while, I tend to look for the PRM (server side Realism Mod) servers with the x-hairs off and limited amount of snipers etc.

                    Definately good fun!


                      My m8's have been bangin on at me to come join 'em and I finally succumbed a week or so back. Much fun although I really need to play some more...but then again don't we all?

                      I'm always on as Len so if you see me give me a shout/shot/whatever...


                        We really should get a game going!

                        I can usually be found in the Team Deathmatch servers (I only use the in game search feature) under Unlight usually... If anyone wants a game give me a shout, its great fun!


                          Anyone still play this good old title?

                          I hate playing on random servers on account of the fact it's like playing Unreal Tournament in WW2.

