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'Delayed Write Failed'

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    'Delayed Write Failed'

    This incredibly annoying message is causing me a right headache, have any of you come across this?

    "{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file \Device\LanmanRedirector. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere."

    Basically Im copying files across my XP AD domain onto my 2003 Server. Ive disabled drive caching as according to M$ advice yet the problem still remains.

    Its a long shot, but has anyone seen this in a client/server environment and fixed the issue?

    U using round IDE cables?


      This happens to me while I'm at work. Pain in the arse but nothing actually comes of it.

      SP2 will fix the problem but until then we'll just have to live with it as there's no hotfix available.


        It had probs for me d00d. Mine ****ered while it was writing to the mft I think and I lost a 10GB folder shortly afterwards. >_<

        Repaired thru scandisk tho, but it can cause trouble if it happens at the wrong time.


          Really? I guess we've just been lucky so far, got about 15 worskstations which have it popping up all day every day, nothing untowards has happened so far.

          <knocks wood>


            I too read SP2 would address this, however are you too using 2k3 server or 2002? Is there not a fix in place already for 2002 server for this issue?


              Ive since installed Windows 2k Server OS, and applied all critical updates, and still get this same error. Ive disabled disc caching, and disabled Large System Cache in the registry. I copy to various makes of drive and it reports the same across them all so I dont think its drive specific. My clients are all Win XP. It seems not to be able to handle large files especially. This is really frustrating ft:


                I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!

                If that fails, try CHKDSK on all drives.


                  Done that dude, you know what I think this is, I think its the make of drive or the drive(s) itself. On one of my drives (I have 4 installed) I dont seem to get this problem, whereas the others all do. I can only assume its whatever make drive Im using (Ill check which it is later).

                  So far so good anyways, touch wood.


                    Hmm, sounds like it could be slightly different to the issues with the clients at work.

                    Without wanting to sound patronising, but you have been through the M$ knowlege base haven't you?


                      Yep, Ive also read a ten page thread on the problem on another forum. A lot of people report this who have ATI cards, but its by no means exclusive to that. Seems like its a problem with no specific answer to, but Ive been transferring most of the day to my newest drive without a problem, so Im going to assume its that until it happens again.

