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KOTOR question

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    KOTOR question

    A mate of mine is up to Malak as a light-sider, and I can't help out as I completed the game with different powers.

    He's stuck cause he has nothing to kill the trapped Jedi that Malak feeds on. He only has Force Wave as an attack, and nothing else. Any suggestions what he can do? Grenades don't work either, it seems.

    Go to and look it up m8.


      Your mate is in for a world of hurt then, Treble. He's going to have to kill Malak 9 times or something. One way is when Malak goes to 'feed', just as he's about to do so, switch to the menu and load up on one of every stim you have and activate a force shield. Because you're not officially in combat, you can do the lot in one go. Once out of the menu, activate Burst/Knight Speed (if you have it) and Force Immunity. Batter the Hell out of Malak until he goes to run off again then repeat or drop some mines between you if you run out of stims.

      It's his only hope if he's a scoundrel/consular kind of player.


        Cheers, Durham. Lem, I looked on GameFAQS, natch, but there wasn't something that covered this contingency (well, nothing I saw after a bit of a scan, anyway).

        Well, he was daffy Ducked so he restarted way back and got the saber throw. Poor bugger

        Thanks for the help though.


          I believe Force Breach works. Not that it matters now I suppose.



            Not very jedi like, but can't you just pull out a gun and shoot them? Use speed, peg it from Malak, shoot and repeat. I'm sure you could use grenades as well.


              Huh. Guns and grenades you say. I don't think they even occured to me. I don't think I used a gun at all as soon as I got my Lightsaber. Malak's a pussy anyway.

              Force Immunity -> Force Breach -> Force Wave

              Repeat as required. Force Wave is your friend.

              On my second time though the game I didn't level up until I became a Jedi. I also chose to be a Consular. Man, talk about Force Points. Level 18 Consular, level 2 scout.



                I can't test it myself, but I'm pretty damn sure you can't target the captured Jedi with regular weaponry. Someone test it to find out, but I very much doubt it.


                  Damn. Treble is right, you can't just shoot them. As a side note, it took all my wisdom, and a healthy dose of force persuade to prevent me from starting a new game. Close one that.

