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ECTS - Proof of trade status

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    ECTS - Proof of trade status

    Hey there,

    Me and some friends are planning a trip to ECTS.
    We do reviews for a small web site, will this be enough to get in?
    The web site also mentions "Proof of trade status will be required." - what kind of proof exactly?

    Also about there being no under 18s - is this checked also?


    To be honest they say all that to scare you off from blagging your way in.

    I went last year on a made up company. I was allowed in with no hassle at all.

    Normally you just quickly flash your badge and your in, the only time you get your badge scanned is when your picking up free stuff they scan the barcode to see who is going to which booths.

    They might check your age if you look under 18 i suppose.


      Well I'm 6'3" and can grow enough facial hair for the event, and most people think I'm 20 or something anyway so it looks like I'm set. Thanks for the reply


        Yeah my Girlfriend snuck in last year, you can pay but to be honest it isnt worth it


          The way you can tell who's not supposed to be there (besides seeing if there are any 16-year-olds walking around with badges that say Managing Director obviously) is by checking out what people are carrying. The more free stuff - or pointless crap, as it's more commonly known - a person is carrying, the less likely it is that they're actually meant to be at the ECTS for a 'proper' reason; attending meetings, working out coverage and so on.

          This year isn't a particularly good year to visit, to be honest - the whole industry's split between the ECTS and the ELSPA show that's on at the Excel in the Docklands. Though there's still not much 'official' word on the exact line-up for each one (even though many companies have given their support to one show or another), I can't see the ECTS this year actually being worth visiting at all... the ELSPA show seems to be getting everyone, simply because it's the official industry regulator.


            I've never, ever been asked for "proof of trade status", and I've been four times before, back when I was fourteen. This is the first time I'll be going when I'm actually 18. Fancy that.


              Originally posted by martTM
              This year isn't a particularly good year to visit, to be honest - the whole industry's split between the ECTS and the ELSPA show that's on at the Excel in the Docklands.
              Christ, the ECTS at Excel was terrible. The show wasn't that dire, but getting there was. Poor lost french executives trying to suss the DLR out was amusing.


                The location was a poor choice, but the show was worse - I did the whole thing in less than an hour and then had to sit around waiting for the bus home. Thank god there were plenty of bored PR people there wanting to take me out for a coffee...


                  I attended ECTS 2 years ago when it was @ Earl's Court. Got in via permission from a reputable import video games company - only thing was instead of sending me a badge saying 'Marketing Manager' they missed a letter and issued me a badge saying 'Marketing Manger' instead.

                  Those fools Not that anyone really checks mind.


                    It's a piece of piss to get into ECTS.

                    I always get a badge through my work, but last year I signed up for a second one using my own (completely unfinished) website as a company name. They both arrived at the same time, one to work, one to my home address. No hassle at all.

                    I've got to say though that I hate ECTS. It's not been good for years. Last one I think I enjoyed was when Virgin where still a big player and had a massive stand that you went inside, all weird lighting and foam rubber everywhere. Can't remember which year.

                    Although bumping into Hideo Kojima and forcing the poor bugger to have his picture taken with me did cheer me up last year as I waited patiently for the day to end and the train to Leeds to arrive


                      I went once (about 6 years ago) wasn't worht the effort of trapsing down there in my opinion, walked in hassle free.


                        I get the impression ECTS might be a lot more corporate this year, with the ELSPA show being more press oriented. Not that I care, I'm bored of going to trade shows now.


                          I always get into any type of trade show without problems. Havent tied videogames yet.

                          Ussualy some ask you to create a badge on the spot. You can laways provide a fake company name etc.


                            I went last year trudging my dad and brother along and none of us were pleased at the whole thing. It didnt really show anything new and was a real bore.


                              Do this year have the Playstation experience next door at the same time.

                              Just pick up what you need in the show. ie a demo disc or a nice thing or two but not a big bagful of stuff

