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Apple iBook G3 Jaguar OSX Mouse Freezing After Sleep/Startup

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    Apple iBook G3 Jaguar OSX Mouse Freezing After Sleep/Startup


    I've got a G3 iBook running Jaguar OSX 10.2 and recently the mouse has not been responsive to the laptop track pad after startup or on waking from sleep.

    Can anyone shed any light on what could be causing this problem as I'm having to reboot each time to be able to use the computer.


    What version of 10.2? As in, 10.2.3, 10.2.8? It should say in your "About this Macintosh" bit.

    Also: have you tried repairing permissions?


      I'm running OSX Jaguar 10.2.4.

      I haven't tried repairing permissions. How would I go about this and what does it do?




        I'm not on my iBook just now but, if you look in Applications/Utilities folder there should be an app called 'Disk' or 'Disk Check' or something like that. If you run that applicaiton and select your hard disk, there should be a button to 'Repair Permissions'.

        I'm not 100% sure, but the permissions refer to the individual file permissions. In Unix each file is assigned permissions that allow the file to be read, writen to and executed. If you open up the terminal and type "ls -l" you'll see a bunch of stuff like "rwxrw-r--". These are the permissions of a given file. There are actually 3 sets of permissions for each file. The first is for the owner of the file (i.e. you or the system), the second is for a group and the third is for everyone. This allows you to have a file that only you can change, but everyone else can read etc.

        At the moment the Mac OS X file system is a bit delicate and if any of these permissions (for system files) get altered things can start to go bad.

        Repairing permissions has become a bit of a catch all 'potential' solution. Although it is a good idea to do when you start getting unusual behaviour, if for no other reason than to discount it. It takes a little while to do, 30mins or something but doesn't affect your system in any other way (i.e. no reboot or anything). I generally perform a repair after installing system updates, as that seems to me to be when things are most likely to be altered.

        Failing that, I can't think of anything off the top of my head as to why sleeping would cause the trackpad to stop responding. Are there any further updates for 10.2. Didn't Jaguar go up to 10.2.8?

        If the worst comes to the worst I suppose you could always back up and resintall the OS, pain though it may be.

        Hope you get it sorted.



          Originally posted by victory chimp
          I'm running OSX Jaguar 10.2.4.

          I haven't tried repairing permissions. How would I go about this and what does it do?

          Upgrade your OS to 10.2.8 using either Software Update (Available in system preferences) or follow the instructions and download the update from here.

          Until you do that it's pointless trying to troubleshoot issues which might have already been solved in an update.

