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Question about airmail shipping

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    Question about airmail shipping

    What's the deal with airmail shipping? If I understand it correctly, it is shipped through your local post office. So does this package just arrive in your mail box, or will someone knock on the door and ask for your signature? Does it depend on the size of the package? If it doesn't fit inside the mail box, will it be dropped at the doorstep, or will it require someone to sign for it? If you get a bubble envelope airmail package for a single dvd game, will they insert it into your mailbox?

    I ordered stuff from TheRage and should have received it by now, but nothing... It could be because no one is ever home during business hours to sign for it. What would happen in that case?

    Same rules as a std first class package. Letterbox or doorstep job.


      Doorstep job... Does that mean it gets dumped on the doorstep, or do they ring your doorbell asking for a signature? What determines whether it is left in your letter box or the doorstep?


        Size I guess. Depends on your postie but its the same as any normal package. No sig required for standard airmail items.


          postmen arent allowed to leave anything on your doorstep


            Tell that to the new one we have, he leaves just about anything too big to fit through the letterbox on the step and doesn't even ring the bell to let us know he's been ft:

            Least the old one ALWAYS rang the bell... and turned up before 9am every day.
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              Same here Mayhem.

              We've had a new postie since February and he is bloody rubbish. If we aren't in and the package is too big for the letterbox it always gets left on the doorstep. Zero effort is made to hide the package either - just leaves it in full view.


                The mail where I am used to arrive at about 8:30am every morning. Just last month it's changed so now it usually arrives at about 1:20pm, and not always every day (on some days we get double the amount of mail).


                  If the package is too big to fit in the mailbox slit, but will fit if the mailbox is opened from the chute at the back, will they put it in the mailbox, or will it be a doorstep job?

