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Cables for Router

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    Cables for Router

    Will a router let you connect both normal network cable and crossover cable into it?

    At the moment I have two computers connected together. Problem is the cables go into the loft, and if I have to replace one, it's going to involve lots of dust and messing around. Could I just put both into the router and be done with it, or will I need to buy some extra normal network cable.

    hi, not sure if you can just use a crossover cable straight away, but you can get an adaptor that turns a crossover cable into a normal cable and vis versa, they are only a couple of ? from places like maplins


      i recently bought a 4 port switch for less than a tenner brand new, and it was auto sensing, meaning you can plug whichever leads (straight/crossover) in anyhwere and it works.

      I would be very surprised if thesedays routers dont have auto sensing built in too.



        as i understood it , straight patch cable for routers, switches etc and crossover for same devices like pc to pc.


          If the router has a autosensing connection it should work. Most network devices support this. Failing that get a cross over coupler from Cable Universe, you'll need another (short) cable to plug into the end but it will straighten out the cable.


            Or, if you're feeling particularly brave, you could rewire the plug on one end to put the wires back on the right pins. But that's up to you.


              I can't see it in the specs myself, so does anyone have any idea whether this one will autosense?

              I'd prefer a response before 6/4/04. [wiggles eyebrows]


                This PDF from DSL-Warehouse confirms its does support Auto-Sensing.


                  Cheers. Though I've realised I still need an extra cable anyway to get both into the router. Must have been in dumbass mode for the last week. Still, at least I don't need to get acquainted with around 3 inches worth of dust.


                    The router would usually come with a cable, if not there only a few quid from cable universe.

