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Playing import DVDs only, on an XBox

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    Playing import DVDs only, on an XBox

    I'd like to know firstly, if UK Xbox's only play UK DVDs out of the box. If they do, what's the easiest way of making it play import DVDs as well? Without installing a really expensive chip which allows loads of other things to be done-I'm not interested in any of that.


    What ever region dvd dongle you put in the xbox first is the region the xbox will be locked to. If you haven't used a PAL dongle yet just import one and use it with the xbox.


      It's almost midnight and I'm a 'dongle' some sort of thing to insert in the Xbox DVD drive, or have I grossly misunderstood?


        The dongle is the IR reciever you put into your controller port.


          Is this Infra Red receiver a receiver for the DVD remote or something?


            have you allready got a dvd playback kit for your xbox?
            if you have and you have used it then it's locked to region 2 disks, if not get this-

            a region 1 dvd playback kit, thats all you need.
            the dongle is the black plug thing you plug into the xbox controller port(same as the wavebird uses)


              Oh I understand totally now. Thanks! I'll order one of those.


                There's one going on Ebay - currently ?7.99


                  but wait. at work we have a region 1 and a region 2 dongle. the xbox is locked to region 2 as that's the first dongle we used. the region 1 dongle won't edit the xbox to accept region 1 dvds. in order to do that, I have to manually edit the xbox eeprom in configmagic to region 1, then the region 1 dongle will work, otherwise the xbox tells me the dongle is invalid...

                  has anyone successfully managed to change the xbox dvd region by simply plugging in another region's dongle? if so lmk


                    FAO Billy : If you can change your eeprom, then is your Xbox modded?
                    If so why not just use one of the DVD progs you can get for the Xbox. It'll allow you to play any region dvd disk even without needing the dongle/romote etc!


                      spinpug666, editing the eeprom won't mod your console in terms of getting banned from Live. I have successfully managed to change the region on a customer's machine where he'd bought the region 1 dongle from us instead of region 2 and was unable to reset it. I used the 007 Agent Under Fire hack and I was able to use configmagic on his xbox to set the region to 2 without opening his console or altering his hdd

                      as for using DVD RegionX to play dvd's, it's an app that needs a chip (or 007 etc) to work anyway, and it's not much fun watching films without the remote control. There was a program that hacks your M$ dash to allow multi-region playback but it doesn't work with the new live-updated dashboards and besides, if it does work, you'll get thing would be to get your old M$ dash (it's backed up on the C drive) and put that in a separate folder and hack that, then use it whenever you wanna watch dvd's. i think i'll give that a try later on as soon as i figure out how to put all the original dash files/folder structure back again (tuts on xbox-scene)

                      hope this helps


                        sorry misinterpreted what you posted. yes my xbox is modded

