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network problem, can anyone help?

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    network problem, can anyone help?

    I have 2 PCs connected to my router and the NTL is also connected to NTL.

    I used to be able to connect vie 1 PC to another and edit/move documents etc with ease, it seems since ive installed a router I can now still see the pcs from the other but am unable to move/edit files anymore as i get a access denied message!

    Both PCs are running WinXP and are both part of the same Workgroup.
    All the drives are shared on both PCs too!!

    im really frustrated atm, i think it is something to do with the router but not sure what it might be

    Can anyone help?

    Does the router have a built in firewall? Have you disabled the XP firewalls?


      Right Click on the folder you are sharing>properties>Sharing Tab>Tick "Allow network users to change my files"

      That should sort you out I think.

