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refresh rate problem in games

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    refresh rate problem in games

    I've just bought battlefield vietnam and everytime i go into the game, not the menus. The game seems to switch to a 60hz refresh rate???

    I seem to remeber this problem ages ago but i thought it was fixed with sp1. What is the best way to get the game running at the optimal refresh rate.

    I've got a radeon 9700 pro. Any ideas???

    I think its a problem with XP and some games

    Try using Refresh Force which should lock it to what ever rate you want to run it at


      Dont use refresh force on any BF titles, as they wont run. Same goes for halo, if you try and run it with any refresh rate over 60hz, it will fail to load. These games apparently have locked refresh rates.


        Originally posted by *PrYzM*
        Dont use refresh force on any BF titles, as they wont run. Same goes for halo, if you try and run it with any refresh rate over 60hz, it will fail to load. These games apparently have locked refresh rates.
        yeah i tried it and it crashes the game.

        is there a way around this????


          Dont think so, and i've tried various progs. Shame really cos 60hz fooking sakks, they would all look better running at higher refresh rate.

          Another thing to remember is that these are direct3d games (although most of my other direct3d run no probs with higher rates), and as far as i know all openGL games run at any refresh rate.


            If you go to dir C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield Vietnam\Mods\BfVietnam\settings (this is the default one) and edit and change the following line :

            renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 0

            change it from 0 to 1. I think that fixes it.


              Ion is correct. The ini file hack works.


                Slightly off topic, but does that Refresh Force thing work on UT2004?

                Bloody ATi drivers not having a refresh override feature. Pah. Took it for granted when I had a nVidia card. ft:

