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Space Channel Part 5 on Dreamcast - help please!

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    Space Channel Part 5 on Dreamcast - help please!

    Hi, probably a dunce question, but anyway

    I picked up the JAP version of this the other day (186 Yen new!) but am having a bit of trouble playing it. I have worked out it's a funky version of Boppit but dont know what to press in certain situations. The 1st dancing part is easy: the aliens go left right left left right etc and you press the corresponding direction on the d pad. Then they do left right kick kick kick etc and for kick i press A. But then i get two little dancing friends and come across more aliens. This time they say kick (i think?) but when i press A it makes a boing noise. Not good i presume. So what should i be doing? I managed to get past it and got two dancing photographers, but then the same thing. Again it sjust sounds like they're shouting kick?


    It sends kissy hearts.


      Ugh i hated this game, played the demo, got stuck near the start, where i pressed every possible button and kept getting a boing noise! (sounded like choo although i may be wrong)


        right, i guess i'll be the resident expert on this game then...

        you say you can copy the aliens, great, i take it you know the difference between pressing 'a' for the aliens (shooting them) and 'b' for the humans (saving them?) if so then the only thing i can think of is thus: the timing is this game sometimes seems a little 'off' it's just purely a 'getting used to' thing.

        it's not really THAT hard a game, i bought it on release day and finished it twice over an hour lafter i'd sat down to play...

