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WE6 FE (GC) playing tips needed

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    WE6 FE (GC) playing tips needed

    Help! I've has this a couple of weeks and feel I am getting competent; but thats about it. I struggle to take people on and my shooting is wildly erratic; can any masters of this game give me a few tips. I was England on level three the other day and I lost to Egypt!
    I need guidance

    If you are have trouble shooting try playing it down the wing to Beckham and crossing it in. I find it much easier to score from headers.

    Use 1-2's to open up the defence. Or chipped through balls if you have a fast striker like owen.


      Practice, practice, practice... started on level 3 and did okay... after a lot more games I can take on level 5 and beat them pretty much all the time now. Far more challenging of course to go against human(s)...

      Go to the training option and whizz through all of the control demos, should be able to show you how to do most of the moves in the game. Give you some ideas. Also play the game how you would normally expect a proper football match to go. Quick balls, crosses, turn and shoots etc...

      Oh and don't forget to hold down B when defending in 1 player games... a random player under CPU control will go harass the opponent currently on the ball... allowing you to cover where the ball may get passed to...
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        Also while defending, it's not always the best idea to send someone charging out towards the attacker. Sometimes it's best to just sit back and cover the runners and generally keep your shape. You'll often find that if there's no where for them to go they'll just lose the ball or shoot in frustration... if you send defenders out gung-ho style, often they'll just exploit the space that you leave. Try not to use the 'sprint' button while making challenges; tackes are fair less accurate when you're running.

        I think most people have covered it attacking wise. Mastering the 1-2's and through balls are essential, as is making good use of the wings. It's also useful to adapt your style to the players you have in your team. For example, when playing with a top side with fast attackers, fast direct football can work a treat. The opposite is true in the master league if your players aren't much cop, you need to be patient and bring other players into your attacks with slow build-up play.


          This may be a little off tangent, but I'd recommend WE6: Final Evolution (patched to englich lang) and mastering that as the gameplay has been improved. After playing this WE6 feels dated IMO, try it.


            Originally posted by bash
            This may be a little off tangent, but I'd recommend WE6: Final Evolution (patched to englich lang) and mastering that as the gameplay has been improved. After playing this WE6 feels dated IMO, try it.
            I expect I'm being foolish or at the very least unclear in the first place, but I have WE6: FE on the gamecube. This is the game you mean or are you talking about the patched PS2 game. Sorry if i was unclear.


              Nah he meant the original WE6 for PS2. As that's the title you'd put in the topic of the post, he assumed it was the original not FE version...
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                couple of tips for both 1player and multiplayer

                1. vary your passes - don't become over-reliant on a particular pass, for example low throughball or high throughball. use them sparingly and the results are much better. if i am playing someone and i know that the first chance they get they will do an high throughball i will pull my defenders back each and every time. also switch the play with cross field passes - don't always attack down the same flank

                2. don't sliding tackle unless as a last resort - a missed sliding tackle means one defender is out of position. try to use X as much as possible

                3. Long crosses - use L1 and O to get early crosses into the box. they will generally head towards the penalty spot and timed correctly they will completely bypass the defence.

                4. know your players - only way to do this is practise practise practise but once you get used to your team you will 'sense' when they are making runs into positions for you

                5. make sure you shoot with your strikers best feet - if they are right footed then try to shoot with that foot. not as hard as it sounds and it means that your shots will be more on target

                6. pass the ball - this isn't fifa



                  try and score more goals than the other team.


                    and avoid missing ball for high score.


                      For some reason, that's just cracked me up
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        [Big Ron]

                        Remember, a long ball's a good ball, as long as it's a good ball.

                        [/Big Ron]


                          close control button (i'm at work so i cant remember if its L1 or R1 - the other is run button) is the button to use



                            this is my secret. When useing ENLAND put owen on the left seriosly it may sound st00pid but it works like a charm.
                            He can just driblle it past peeps for fun comming from the left.


                              I've heard people talk about pressing R1+R2 to take full control of your player (i.e. stop him running 'on rails') on the PS2 version, but nothing for the GC version. Anyone know if a similar button combination is possible?

