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Xbox Live Usage

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    Xbox Live Usage

    How often do you go on Xbox Live?

    For example, I only go on every other night and usually during my day off- but I am a bit fed up of never having anybody from my friends list online, so I'm looking for people that are online quite a lot, but while thinking of this I thought it would be interesting (in a sad geek way) to see how much people use the service.

    Let us know how often you use Live!

    Hi, your already on my Friends List, but I never normally go on Live before 11pm, go on say 5 out of 7 evenings though.

    Off Topic: your not the MKDD Expert Haribobart (spelling) are you ?


      Id say about 5 out of 7 nights a week for varying amounts of time. Weeknights i dont usually get too much time in as i tend to play football after work/go to the pub etc. Saturdays and Sundays during the day are when i usually have decent sessions though


        Hey HariboKart, it's The Cobra, remember me?

        I'm on all the time, playing Splinter Cell and Rallisport 2. Add me to your friends list and we can get some regular games going. Also, alot of the old Gamesradar guys go on, pop onto and the forums for a chat. Gavin83, Comp Rep, Mulletron, they're all about.

        SniperMonkey UK

        Catch you online.


          if you wanna add me
          xbl tag: bignige
          good at Moto GP - cack at Rainbow Six3!
          Not too bad on Halo via Aquaduct


            Gamertag: foolife

            Often I'm on in a Live aware state. Up for a challenge anytime though, so just bung me an invite. Of games I am still willing to play I have Ghost Recon Island Thunder, Crimson Skies and Rallisport 2. I also have Splintercell, but as Fasty said, "I took 2 weeks off and when I came back everyone was level one million".

            The only time when I'll not accept an invite is when I'm close to finishing a level or whacking out some XSN times on Rallisport.


              Gamertag - GinzaUK. Have periods when im on it all the time and then not at all. At the moment i am at one of my times when i am on it every day to get away from exam revision...

              Am normally on PGR2 or Rallisport Challenge 2 now trying to beat EddieA's times...


                i play on it quite a bit...normally everyday, but pretty much only moto gp2.
                capcom vs snk 2 every so often, but i just get beat too easily, so i dont stay on that for long.


                  I used to be on almost everyday but recently I have been playing some new titles and just haven't been interested in playing online. I play mostly Counterstrike, RtCW so if any of you guys fancy a game sometime just add me down.

