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GameCube Broadband and Warppipe

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    GameCube Broadband and Warppipe

    I just got a GC BBA and am eager to try it over warppipe.

    Anyone else interested in giving it a test? All I have right now is MKDD ?Pal- but might get 1080 soon.

    I'll give you a go if you like although its usually a bit flaky with multiregion games. Arrange something if you like, maybe get a couple of us playing?? charlesr might be up for it to??


      i'd be up for this aswell. the last time i tried i could connect with people but the framerate was so low it was unplayable. that was the beta release though

      i have MKDD, and 1080 both us


        Problem is is the game is coded for LAN play, it expects not to have a delay so if there are any, it waits for a response before continuing; this is how SB:LoC plays online, so low pings are a must. We should be OK in the UK, even more so if we happen to be on the same ISP

        I have all the link games, mostly NTSC-J. It does work with multiregion titles but crashes from time to time. Let's set a time then folks; in the evening OK or do you want to try something over the weekend (say, Sunday?)


          I have 1080. However, I've never managed to connect to anyone. I used xlink kai too, which seems far more advanced than warppipe (it checks all your connection settings for you etc and creates rooms for us to meet in). I tried the tests on the warppipe site and they gave me the all clear...


            Yea, gotta admit that xlink kai is waaaaay better than warppipe overall. Everyone go get it, let's set up an NTSC room or something and get a time sorted, maybe? We can all try it, get bored then go play Xbox live


              I got X-link but it doesn?t let me log in. It just keeps freezes.


                Any one still want to play?


                  ive got xlink kai up and running and am willing to give it ago as previously i have used warpipe and recieved too many problems

                  if anyones up for playing please leave your tag and the time you would like to give it a go

                  btw my tag on xlink is randella


                    magic_l0rd on xlink, i can't play until sunday though... lets have a time, say 2000h ish?

