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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    close stuff as always moodmon
    you seem to have picked up a few more characters since i last played you, whereas i'm still stuck on those few. dont go for enough taunt finishes though


      Because when that happens, I bash my bed in. As the marks from tonights games show. Wasn't sure whether to play one more or leave it at 10 each. Good job you don't quit on 10-9, ya git

      I always pick most the characters. You just don't notice some of them as I'm so crap with them. PLus, if you every try to turtle with Remy again, I will hunt you down and force you to use a Logic 3 stick


        Glad you liked my combo Teodi! I came up with it just last week. It's so yummy.
        I wasn't expecting you to be so....erm...fierce >.< You were right up my face the whole time. Very nice matches


          Originally posted by Moodmon
          PLus, if you every try to turtle with Remy again, I will hunt you down and force you to use a Logic 3 stick
          i dont know any other way to use remy, i wish i could use him better because i really like him. but i must be rubbish as even when i win i rarely get more than a D...usually E ranks though.
          i think i'll try to use sean more too...he's pretty cool as the underdog. i was attempting to beat your hugo purely using the headbut, but it just wasnt to be


            The headbutt pwns Elena for free.


              Originally posted by Mr_Sands
              Yes B is obviously the rank the coolest people have.
              I'm an S rank though!
              Been playing mostly S grade people domestically to get there!


                Hugo has a headbutt? Or is that his crouching FP attack? I dunno.

                Nice games to Mr Sands. Sorry about the first game, I think I overdid the throw a little. But the rest were good. Ruddy evil Elena combo you did into a super art though. Nearly as good as the jump attack into sweep that got me every time


                  I've now moved onto even 'worse' characters for taking out yank shotos - Necro + Elena. Perfected a Ken last night and he cut the connection just as I went for the cheap Super Art finish when he had no energy.


                    Originally posted by Moodmon
                    Ruddy evil Elena combo you did into a super art though. Nearly as good as the jump attack into sweep that got me every time
                    Thats my 1 dimensional Elena tactics working a treat then, I try to do that combo all that the time but generally end up doing flying kick->sweep every attempt
                    For some reasom I am finding really hard to do double quater turns when I am on the left side, on the right every thing is fine but on the left I usually end up doing some lame move and get kicked in the face.


                      I get that sometimes. I can do Yang's crouch mk into slash combo when I'm on the right, but not when I'm on the left. Crazy madness there. Still, at least I've improved by dash combos. First time I've got someone with Q's high dash into SA2. Was well chuffed with that one. Might have to try doing those 360s at last, so I can do the mean Alex dash elbow into Hyperbomb.


                        Hey Firsty - we've been drawn together for the next round of the RLLMUK tourney. Let me know what day's good for you.

                        I'll probably be on this tonight.


                          Wed night is good for me.
                          I have an exam in the morning so I'll be studying.


                            Wednesday it is. Between 7 and 9 okay for you? I'm usually on around that time.


                              Sounds good


                                GG's Phix. I believe the Yang SA3 bug reared it's ugly head in that last match, tis a shame, i'm loving the Seiei Enbu SA. But you've some devestating characters my friend ^_^

                                On a side note, working my way thruogh the effluent of droppers/decliners & shoto whores i found 2 sterliing gentlemen on LIVE today.
                                I can only remember one geezers GT so i'll talk about him.
                                XxKama SutraXx - you lok at the GT and think, he'll drop, i can see it. But he didn't, he played 8 soid rounds and even in the face some horrible beasting from Hugo and Q he stuck in there and carried on.
                                It was when i ended one match with Oros' EX Yagyou Dama to take a SA finish taht i heard him scream over the mic "JESUS how'd you pull THAT **** off!!" So i swapped my convertor & saturn pad for the mic and spad to show him.
                                WHat cracked me up was he ws from New York, we were getting solid matches, no lag, i was suprised o_0
                                So he picks Oro and we spend about an hour in an Oro tutorial, trading combo attempts. By the end of it he'd managed to get the 1st part of the chicken dance to work ^_^
                                I was suprised by his patience and his eagerness to learn, he's sticking to Oro for the time being and was pretty grateful.

                                See, it's all worth it sometimes. ^_^

