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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Aye mardigan8, i switched to the analogue pad 'n all.

    It was beginning to wind me up hitting start all the time?!

    Though i can't use it very well with shoto style dragon punch manouvres compared to charge characters.
    Last edited by TheShend; 03-11-2004, 18:16.


      im on now if anyone fancies a game


        Originally posted by TheShend
        pwned = owned but spelt wrong
        oh ok

        i thought pwned meant pawned or something. shows how much I know eh

        thanks for letting me know though.

        now this would be the part where i take this new-found knowledge and use it against my masters by saying

        i'm gonna pwn the lot of ya!

        but i won't, as i can't. woe is me


          billy, it also adds +5points in sadness ^^


          TheShend recieves +5 points in sadness only 30 points left till gheyness.



            In a way, getting Street Fighter online is the worst thing ever. I always thought I was really good at it. Now I find out that I'm not good at all, I just have a lot of friends who are completely ****.

            I'm trying to decide if I should get a Magicbox to use a DualShock controller, or if I should splash out on one of the Hori EX sticks. I think if I bought the stick and still couldn't win it would break my heart.

            Anyway, if you want easy wins, add TheGuppy...


              Firsty man you totally owned me in them couple of matches, heh currenty i have a 0-11 rank 8). deffo need a stick

              anyway back to playing - come on fellow novices lets try and hone our skills!


                Try pressing more than just up, lp & lk during the whole match...
                Also, training mode...

                Just a thought




                    OMG Shend, Q is nasty!
                    Never fought him before.
                    Hugo is fun against him

                    He's so heavy, literally.
                    Couldn't catch him with my genei-jin.
                    I'll need to practice against him...
                    Last edited by Firsty; 03-11-2004, 19:59.


                      OK, so I too have been Shended tonight. Ouch. I am teh n00bz0r. Had a good game with someone about my standard, taught him EXing and Super a few wins on his (ken) with my Ryu and Makoto. Still sucking. Have RSI from the pad. *not fun*.

                      Oh, and I'm getting better at parrying, too. I like this. Any of the lesser mortals want some practice?


                        shend's Q has just been slapping me around as well.
                        my makoto is useless against him, although i did get one cheesy win against him using ryu.

                        had some amazingly close matches with moodmon....practicaly every round went down to whoever got the next hit wins.
                        luckily it was mostly me.
                        great fun


                          Did I play you Pale?
                          Can't remember ;/

                          That Q is a bitch, but he can't handle Hugo.
                          I wouldn't exactly say I'm a Hugo person, but I was dishing out teh pain....for a while anyway . I think he figured out I barely know how to use Hugo.

                          Also got a Yun victory.Let's play again fuddle.


                            PervertedHermit whichever one it was, ALex is like a mad rash, he's all over man. Thanks for my first A++ EVER.

                            Firsty, that Hugo is a bitch, BITCH. All i could do was mp you away :/ Nice one.

                            Fuddle, you filthy boy, i completely died after the 1st round with ryu >_<

                            Paleface, i didn't realise you were on the mic, next time blud, i'll have a chat, nice matches as well ^^


                              Some good games tonight against PervertedHermit. Your Alex is a nasty bastard. Although, I felt my Elena didn't do too bad against him, wait till I've mastered her.

                              Why is it I can hold my own somewhat against decent players? But when I come up against a ****ing scrub, my game-plan goes to pot, happened to me far too much tonight. >_<


                                I hate cheap shoto's too.

                                I'm going to give Necro a go n all, i felt he had some dirty potential, my mate Evil Dave is absolutely filthy with him >_<

                                I'm extremely amazed how well parrying is working. I've managed to completely parry out ryu's full denjin fireball on 3 seperate occasions.

                                PervertedHermit knows If i could of saved that match 8)

