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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    you can but only to the 6 face buttons not the triggers.

    EDIT : Beaten by Saur.


      So to confirm, you cannot assign any moves to the Xbox triggers?


        The triggers mirror the black and white buttons.


          uhg, had the most horrible of matches last night against a shoto player who's standard tactic was to instantly jump backward then throw fireballs which i'd start blocking then start parrying while more came at me I'd get bored with that, make a move to attack he'd jump over me with a spinning kick then carry on throwing fireballs. GAH

          When I had his Ken and Ryu down he resorted to a lovely not at all boring method fo chosing Akuma and doing the pissing air fireball dance. ended up 4:3 to him coz I kept picking a different non gimp char after I beat him with one to show how dull it was vs those strats Phear the Remy played super turtle style-e

          Had a cracking 40 fights vs someone whose name I cant remember. ended up 19:21 to him after I clawed back a massive lag in wins. Shoto chars picked = 1. Once (Ken not played with the gimp approach either, by him) He was quite painful with Makoto and Yun.

          I'm still getting to grips with M hits so cant do a thing with Yun's SA3


            Just played some excellent games with Moodmon, I'm pleasantly surprised! He's not as **** as he said he was! Keep with that Elena man, she's an evil whore! My Dudley got pwned by her first round!! >_<

            Hope you liked Hugo's amazing "Parry of Chun Li's SA2 into Spinning Piledriver into GIGAS BREAKER!!" finish of mine


              Oh, and nice games tonight Pij :P


                Had a couple vs mood today. Was a little surprised to lose with Twelve as bad as i did. Had a rather frustrating night. Lots of vs Ken fights Blood boils with those and my game goes bad after I lose vs them a lot.

                Also god I hate Q and his 3 taunt uber defense. Guy I was playing wasnt awful tho. Better than Shend at any rate Well harder to beat anyway


                  Originally posted by teodi
                  Had a couple vs mood today. Was a little surprised to lose with Twelve as bad as i did. Had a rather frustrating night. Lots of vs Ken fights Blood boils with those and my game goes bad after I lose vs them a lot.

                  Also god I hate Q and his 3 taunt uber defense. Guy I was playing wasnt awful tho. Better than Shend at any rate Well harder to beat anyway
                  How many matches did we have in the end? I think it was only a couple. Probably for the best considering the dreadful connection I was getting last night. Couldn't parry worth ****.

                  Your Twelve is bloody tricky, though.

                  And Moodmon's Elena - what a bitch! I just don't know how to play against her.

                  I had some good matches later on with Yun but I'm still adjusting to the slight lag when playing with him. I'll make him my main online character in time, though.
                  Last edited by gravity0; 30-11-2004, 07:19.


                    Originally posted by Tom Salter
                    Just played some excellent games with Moodmon, I'm pleasantly surprised! He's not as **** as he said he was! Keep with that Elena man, she's an evil whore! My Dudley got pwned by her first round!! >_<

                    Hope you liked Hugo's amazing "Parry of Chun Li's SA2 into Spinning Piledriver into GIGAS BREAKER!!" finish of mine
                    I only play Chun Li any more to look at her baps in that lovely black outfit. She's gone to ****. And I LET you finish me with the rose. You needed some confidence Most of the other characters I attempted to play as were also a bit rubbish(lucky win with Sean excepted). Your Makato is deadly, or my Remy is really, really bad. Guessing bit of both. I haven't really played a long set of matches before, it was really good. Monday seems to be a busy day for SF, I can actually play some non-Ken players.

                    Still, at least I've got your Dudley's number. Did you like the way my buttocks writhed in your face after I finished you with a super yet again?

                    Connection was terrible with Gravity0, but at least we managed to eck out 3 fights. Shocked you played as Ken in a non-cheesy fashion. Surely that deserves bonus points.

                    I thought I was going to give Teodi a thrashing of a lifetime, but after the first fights he starting beating me around the face. With my own backside.


                      Fuddle, some good games there, i will try to get more matches in next time >_<

                      Sithlordx - Your chun li is marked for some Total Destruction ^^


                        Originally posted by TheShend
                        Fuddle, some good games there, i will try to get more matches in next time >_<

                        Sithlordx - Your chun li is marked for some Total Destruction ^^
                        I look forward to it

                        That Q of yours is a tricky one


                          Originally posted by TheShend
                          Fuddle, some good games there, i will try to get more matches in next time >_<
                          i did like that yang/yun match...that was my first try using yang, and i dont really know whats going on with him yet, but i'm trying to get him in my repetoire.
                          i cant use yun because he seems to be the better/more popular


                            GGs Fuddle and Mr Sands.

                            I'm slowly learning how to play against Elena. Slooowwly.

                            And I've crept back in to the top 100 again. Huzzah!


                              good games.
                              your waaaay better than me, but i did enjoy seeing you parry all that stuff.


                                Originally posted by gravity0
                                I'm slowly learning how to play against Elena. Slooowwly.
                                You don't wanna do that

                                Well, you might as well. It appears Logic 3 sticks aren't the most durable of things. It's not so much sticking on the down input as barely working at all. It's like there are two bits of resistance. Problem is, when playing, you fell the first bit and carry on. I thought I was struggling with my supers, but then I failed to do a crouch sweep.

                                So unless I can fix it, it's no more SF till Christmas (when I get my Hori stick). Which is a terrible shame. Rats.

