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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    God i'm **** at this!

    I'm getting a few wins but it never feels like i deserved them for some reason. Not had a match yet where i've been proud of my performance. It just doesn't feel like i'm completely in control of the game like some of the guys that you come across.

    At the moment i'm skipping between playing with Ryu, Yang and Sean. But only with Ryu am i approaching a level i'm even little bit happy with.

    Definitely need some serious practice with this one.

    BTW - Congrats to Jassi for being right up there at the top end of the rankings and doing the NTSC posse proud.
    Last edited by Yoshimoto; 30-10-2004, 17:32.


      ...........shudders.............shakes...........v ibrates...........oscillates..........BOOM


      I've gone and done it, i bought a friggin crystal xbox, SFA and LIVE i'm crying all i need to do is set up, you will see the Q, Q is comming oh man. OH MAN.

      Maybe not tonight, (night in with the misses) but i will........sorry sex wee >_>.........IT@S ON


        lol Shend.

        I hope you can back up your smack talk. It would be an honor to be your first game on live, and kick your head in

        Originally posted by TheShend

        Major handicap here people > S pad. So you got my losing excuse before i've even played ya so ner.

        So excited.
        Using the original xbox Burger pad (TM) here mate

        Last edited by jassi singh; 30-10-2004, 18:04.


          It'll be VERY interesting to see how i stack up against folk. I was smack talking about Halo prior to 4 player 2 xbox deathmatch session i was invited on. I got worried thinking, what if they're good, i mean, they play link up multiplayer, jesus, i'm f00ked here and i killed the lot of em. ^^

          First match against the man who's top tier, gtf you musn't harm my Q, my dear Q. We'll see.

          Major handicap here people > S pad. So you got my losing excuse before i've even played ya so ner.

          So excited.


            managed to get a win against jassi earlier, and just one against ince...both of which made me very happy.
            just been playing firsty, but it really doesnt like the connection or something.
            got the black screen after all but one match.


              Man, that was easy, Xbox LIVE is smooth for set-up.

              My gamertag bitches is as you see it : TheShend

              I feel special, you'll have to wait till tomorrow peeps for a match, but add me to your list please, PLEASE, oh go on!!


                Aye that damned black screen.
                You and I seem pretty evenly matched, we're even quite close in the rankings. I'm playing kinda crap tho. Playing real people seems to have given my confidence a hit. I'm not being as daring as usual, which isn't good ;/

                I got a few wins against Jassi, he ain't that good...stat whore. LOLS

                I'm finding it hard to adjust to playing real people. I'm expecting all these big combos against me etc, and end up with simple pokes from scrubs and lose when I really shouldn't. Thusly.....I seem to be doing much better against experienced players that are using strategies. I can't handle the randomness of some of the n00b types ;/

                MORE PRACTICE!

                .....this is the best thing ever btw (where are all the people tho?! No one's ever online!)


                  As far as I can tell, if you wait a minute at the rematch screen before continuing, you can avoid the black screen of oblivion.


                    Gotta say I really enjoy playing against you Fuddle.
                    We're pretty even matched. Your mako is a head**** ;/
                    Got a headset?

                    That Hugo VS Chun Li fight was great!!!
                    My gigas breaker came out right after your kikoushou.
                    I was shocked! Thought I was finished. PHEW!


                      been playing this all day. amazing online. look out for grahf swe he is a killer with Yun. when i spoke to him briefly he said he was the third best player in sweden. nice guy to boot aswell. best player i have played.

                      ps i use a ps2 pad with a converter so i cant use the mic when i play ingame


                        Jassi and I are onto you son, you're going down


                          Originally posted by Firsty
                          Gotta say I really enjoy playing against you Fuddle.
                          We're pretty even matched. Your mako is a head**** ;/
                          Got a headset?
                          some really close matches, great fun.
                          i do have the headset, but i'm using a saturn pad, and even though i thought magic box was suppossed to support it, the hole is too small for it or the memory card to fit...dont know if thats just mine or not.

                          played ince a little more too, but theres just something about you that i cant handle....i can see what your doing, but cant stop you


                            Lads can I just say all this talk about the game seriously has me hyped. It isnt out here until the end of November so I ordered from the UK last week and its on its way.

                            I am guessing the reason you arent seeing many people online at the moment is simply because you are the first guys to get the game.

                            Also tieing in with using PS2 convertors and the like. Have you guys seen the Pelican eclipse controller? This thing is actually not bad at all. I have bought it mainly for PES4 when it comes out but it might be equally as handy for this. It uses the default controller S layout but it has another set of black/white buttons positioned on the shoulders like the PS2 layout. The buttons are amazing for sure but the pad actually functions better than its cheap look and the D-pad is also decent... its definitely something to consider.

                            Got mine for approx. $30au off



                              Mmmmmm, i've a few matches on arcade with me s pad.

                              Using the dpad is ok, the problem is where the start button is, if i roll a HCF after 2 sec charge for dash punch with Q it pauses the game! The start button is so wrong there. The analogue stick seems as a decent replacement but it isn't tight for when things don't go your way, not as instinctive.

                              I'm in the mood to get my ass a proper pad so i can put up a half decent fight against you men. I'd like a saturn styled pad like the Nuby SF Anniversary one's. So a Q?. I want a saturn style pad to play on my Xbox, which pad and what convertor is best?

                              i wish they'd release Xbox specific pads, jesus they'd clean up. :/


                                Fuddle, how are you with sticks?!
                                I'll fit you out a stick if you like.
                                I wanna play you at your BESTEST!

                                Also, we know what Ince is doing, and well....won't be for much longer

