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Old Tennis games

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    Old Tennis games

    Anyone know of any places/tournaments of older tennis games such as Super Tennis. For 12 years no one has ever beaten me at that game, I am desperate to get my ass whipped! I am in London area.

    It's a bit old, dude. I can't imagine it ever being played competitively.
    Still, if you find a place, let the rest of us know. A Super Tennis tournament would rock.


      Will do!

      It's certainly old, but still feels more sophisticated than the majority of titles released since then!!


        Well I used to play Super Tennis alot against a variety of good players back then so we got pretty good at it. It was for a long time the best tennis game but I think Virtua Tennis 2 has since far surpassed it and is despite Top Spin Tennis still the best today.

        With VT2 you still have the advantage of being able to play in the arcade.


          Hey dude!!! Respect your opinion but as a fellow SUper Tennis I am surprised you prefer VT2 over Super Tennis!!

          It IS really playable, I agree, but don't you think it is all a bit, WHAM BAM etc, not as subtle as Super Tennis?

          Oh well! Have there ever been any VT2 tournies?


            There's actually quite alot to VT2 and the serving and vollying elements in particular stand out. Vollying isn't handled well in most other games, Top Spin for instance regarded so highly does it badly. It the timing aspect that makes VT2 stand out.

            Dynamic league had VT2 a few times and Super Tennis but it was discontinued 2 years ago so other than that theres just the arcade.

