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thought on those wankers who disconnect in PES

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    Mr Yoraths Mullet sir, add me to your friends list and I'll let you have your first victory as a thank you for the live trial code.


      Had a dropper yesterday, 2-2 with 10 minutes left, he left.
      The name: Ally McMoist


        see, that makes no sense...

        why would you drop a game you might win or might lose or might draw? 2 out of the 3 options is fine imho. not only is he a dropper, he's a ****tard to boot.


          A perfect definition for folk behaving in this manner


            my flatmate just used to foul when he was losing badly and eventually get too many men sent off to continue (giving a 6-0 standard scoreline rather than the higher score i was beating him by hehe )

            i'm not sure how live works but this does sound worryingly frequent :/


              It's down to Konami to patch this up and put an end to it. I agree with the dropping a point from both players before the match and then topping it back up after the game has finished with both players intact - you drop, you lose the point.

              Or, preferably, an altogether individual stat which is incremented pre-match, then subtracted at the end if you're still connected which could be used as a marker for how many times a player has dropped from a game allowing you to judge whether or not to play with someone. Sure, there's the odd case of a genuine disconnection but it's pretty obvious half these fukkaz are at it.

              Luckily I don't drop and have plenty of decent folk in my friends list to play against. My advice - don't even bother playing somebody if you don't know them - when they drop a minute from the end it's just a wasted game...


                Some people have connection problems or get invites from friends, I don't think every dropper is evil and deserves to have large rocks thrown at them in the street.


                  the problem is, barely anyone seems to have the mic enabled, so they cant even give you the decency of an explanation.

                  loads of times ive been playing and someone from here has sent me an invite but out of respect, ive played on to save dropping, regardless of whether I was winning or not at the time. By the time ive finished, the person who invited me has gotten into another game so I play another stanger, only to get yet another invite I can accept.

                  Whats the general consensus on this? I dont think id feel too bad about dropping a game in the first half if I was leading and a friend has invited me. thoughts?


                    I think it's a bit cheeky to drop a game even if you are winning or not, whose to say the loser couldn't make a comeback?


                      Originally posted by Sarkster
                      the problem is, barely anyone seems to have the mic enabled, so they cant even give you the decency of an explanation.

                      loads of times ive been playing and someone from here has sent me an invite but out of respect, ive played on to save dropping, regardless of whether I was winning or not at the time. By the time ive finished, the person who invited me has gotten into another game so I play another stanger, only to get yet another invite I can accept.

                      Whats the general consensus on this? I dont think id feel too bad about dropping a game in the first half if I was leading and a friend has invited me. thoughts?
                      exactly the same as me that, time and time again I go to accept the invite after I finish the current match only to find its already been accepted by someone else.

                      From now on I think if I get an invite I will accept straight away regardless of winning, loosing or drawing unless its someone in my list who I am playing


                        ditto mike. I think ill do the same myself.


                          Symptomatic of the **** live functionality bolted (it would seem) onto the game.

                          You can't really expect someone to wait around for 5 or more minutes waiting for you if another invite comes along and there's not as good a comms system as, say, halo2 but I always honour the game i'm currently playing. It's simply bad manners not too.

                          Agree with Sarkster though - too many people without mics - i suspect magic-box users.


                            It's the overall experience that counts.

                            The real challenge is for the developer to make an experience worthwhile regardless of a player's win/lose situation.


                              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                              Symptomatic of the **** live functionality bolted (it would seem) onto the game.

                              You can't really expect someone to wait around for 5 or more minutes waiting for you if another invite comes along and there's not as good a comms system as, say, halo2 but I always honour the game i'm currently playing. It's simply bad manners not too.

                              Agree with Sarkster though - too many people without mics - i suspect magic-box users.
                              Once someone realises the're on the losing end of something, an internal ticker starts that determines just how long the're going to stick around.


                                Add me....

                                Anyone who wants to add me to thier list please do so. You won't get any droppage here!


