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Official GT4 League

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    Official GT4 League

    Anyone else gonna have a go at this? Race and Photo contests with points awarded for each one throughout the next few months... Top ranked come May 5th will be awarded prizes and may feauture in the Piggyback Guide.

    I remember the same type of thing when GT3 was out, Spent hours getting good lap times with a Vanquish on Apricot Hill. Never won anything but placed fairly high considering the amount of people who entered.

    I posted this in the GT4 first play thread on Friday, basically the F1 car is gonna win 99% of the races, I've signed up and posted on the forum, sounds good though, they did the same with GT3 your right, I was 15th out of 270+ entrants on one of the contests but got nothing, rules this time around are very "vague" no mention of not cutting corners/wallriding etc etc, good that verification codes and replays are used but sounds like a Admin nightmare waiting to go wrong (you have to send memeory card off blah blah) imagine your in the top 8 on a few rounds, you could end up needing a handful of memory cards.
    Note the lack of Admin replies to any queries etc on the forum doesn't inspire confidence.


      What to stop you maxing out the Escudo Pikes Peak and literally flying round a whole course, hehe!! Cant wait to get that technological marvel in my garage again


        Oh didn't see the post. But you only send your memory card at the very end of the competition which isn't so bad. Just stick all the replays on a spare card and away they go!


          don't remember reading it that way tbh;

          EDIT: Quote:

          For every Challenge in the Racing Contest, you should save your Replay. After the designated deadline for entry into a specific Challenge, the participants with the top eight performances will be contacted by us via e-mail and asked to send us his/her Memory Card, so that we can verify the authenticity of the performance. Following verification, we will then return the Memory Cards to the respective participants. If we do not receive a Memory Card within 10 days of our request or if the individual has not respected our guidelines, he/she will lose his/her claim to a possible given place.

          EDIT 2: you planning on being in the top 8 then gonna be hard as apart from the forum you'll have no idea what sort of times other people are getting
          Last edited by VR46; 15-03-2005, 14:49.


            Yeh screw that then, I won't even have the game til Friday and no doubt people are already tearing up the (invisible) scoreboard with their F1 cars!

            I'll stick to the NTSC-uk challenge. At least I have a chance of winning that one!


              Original mammoth contest has finished but another single lap of Nurburgring one has just commenced if anyones interested.

