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The Great Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Tournament Sign Up Thread

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    The Great Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Tournament Sign Up Thread

    Splinter Cell is tres awesome, for sure. It's a shame so few people on the forum are playing it.

    To address that, I'm starting the first cross-forum Splinter Cell knockout tournament with a view to getting people lots of new friends on their Friends lists and people having a whole bunch of fun.

    The tournament will require sixteen two-man teams. Each round consists for THREE Revenge games on Story Mode on three DIFFERENT maps - these maps will be allocated at random by me (you can rest assured that the maps I allocate my team will be equally random) using our advanced 'paper and bucket' method. ALL maps are in play, but you'll get plenty of advance warning so you can swot up on the maps you'll need for the evening.

    Each round will also be allocated a fourth TIE BREAKER game. In the event that the first three Revenge games result in a 3-3 tie, there will be a fourth round on a single map that will be played until one team walks away with a decisive merc and spy win. It's a cruel way to decide the victor, but we couldn't come up with anything fairer, so we're stuck with it.

    Everyone of any skill level is welcome. The point isn't to crush your opposition into the dust, but rather to meet new people to play with in a game that's dependent upon playing with friends.

    Potential entrants right now come from several forums, but the tournament will be run out of RLLMUK though, so you'll have to go there to check your fixtures once the tournament starts proper.

    Sign up here (or there) with your two-man teams, Gamertags and your team name, and expect the tournament to start some time in early June.
    Last edited by Stroker Ace; 25-05-2005, 16:52.

    This is the first and last time I'll bump the thread. Apologies to the mods and all that.

    Just to let you folks know that we have participants from RLLMUK, Gamesradar, Gamufi and (whisper it) the forum whose name we dare not speak. The only forum that we wanted to participate who hasn't entered anyone is NTSC-UK.

    You can't seriously be telling me that there's NOBODY here who will enter and defend the honour and glory of NTSC-UK?

