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Battlefield 2 Ntsc-uk server and clan

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    Battlefield 2 Ntsc-uk server and clan

    Our server is

    anyone wanting to join upto to a clan please post in this thread ... looking for peeps who want to develop into squads, squad leaders, commanders etc etc

    Would you be offended if I spread the word on your server or would you like to keep it for NTSC-UK forum memners only?


      likewise, only got one other mate who actually plays Battlefield though.


        the more the merrier - we have been playing with peeps from rllmuk and greenhillzone tonight - bridging all gaps that there might be between us

        greenhillzone have their clan already on the go - if we want to challenge them (or is that they challenge us?) we need to get our **** organised, squads sorted for various things, a commander sorted out etc etc

        i think we need to train using both sides as well - been playing as the iraqi's tonight and its a lot different than playing as the marines

        ps we need pilots


          That was my first experience of PC gaming in years. It was ace fun (since I didnt have to use the bloody server list). I was clearly the ****est though.


            I think we should let anyone on the server, after all 64 is a lot of space to fill. We can always password it on special occasions.

            Having real trouble reseting my name to feature NTSC-UK


            Anyone recommend me a good Headset to use??
            Last edited by Mr Pump; 16-06-2005, 23:56.


              I picked up a cheapo logitech one from pc world for 20 quid - does the job nicely when i can get it configured properly for bf2




                  Heh, yeah I saw that - boom!


                    I'll join you guys this evening probably and bring a few clanmates with me, be nice to play with a whole server of names I know


                      I'm out on teh source tonight, but will be up for games.

                      My handle:


                      To help identify folk for our forum, I reckon adding [NTSC-UK] is maybe smart.

                      It also affords maximum points on the "I'm a geek with no life" scale. Which all for the good when letting fun games like BF2 suck the life out of us night after night.

                      See you online. How about a session Sunday at 20.00 GMT.


                      (Medic with attitude!)


                        I'm away most of the weekend but I'll try to get on when possible.

                        I've been practicing with the heliwhoppers and am getting a lot better. Still struggle to land quickly, but I'm sure I'll get it with a few more tries.

                        Medic\ Special Forces


                          Originally posted by capcom_suicide
                          To help identify folk for our forum, I reckon adding [NTSC-UK] is maybe smart.
                          How do I go about changing my username then? Do I have to create a new account?


                            Me and v_badshot (good name) were storming the aircraft carrier last night with our ideal assault weapons.... sniper rifles. Doh. We died. Also, bloody Moodmon had climbed the crane, placing mines all the way up, so we couldn't get to him.
                            A plane crash will sort that out.


                              yeah invite who you like 64 players will be hard tofill

