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Gigawing Generations Score Challenge

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    Gigawing Generations Score Challenge

    Haven't seen a thread about for this, but I've sat down and started playing this and am quite enjoying it too - wondered if anyone else is playing it?

    Anyway, usual challenge rules apply - No Continues, Single Mode etc. Write your scores down as they're displayed on the Ranking Mode.

    Bleeders - Stage 3 (Island) - 4 / 2912 / 5753 / 68902930
    Kubrick - Stage 2 - 5 / 7265 / 2377 / 00128300
    Last edited by Bleeders; 29-07-2005, 09:54.

    i am playing it a bit now will put some scores up for stage one
    why they use such ridiculouslly high numbers for the scores though is beyond me


      Had this for a wee while but hadn't bothered to play it untill now. Pretty good game, reminds me of Mars Matrix. Surprised it's only 30fps though.

      Kubrick - Stage 2 - 5 / 7265 / 2377 / 00128300

      I've been on Stage 3, but I only reached the S2 Boss with that score. Just beginning to work out the scoring system etc, but that'll do for an early marker



        Is that what we're on about? This'd better be a good game - I'm on a TIGHT budget from now on. GW1 was fair decent 'spose.


          Yeah, that's the game.


          I've seen people getting hysterical about it because of stuff that's got ****-all to do with the actual quality of the game (no TATE mode, loading times). But it plays great! a solid 7/10 for me at least. I'd get Mushihimesama first though if you're on a TIGHT budget


            It does not compare to gigawing 2 though for the dreamcast.



              RAH!! Buy It Now!? YOU BET!!

              Loading times are good - I like my mini rest periods on games like this.

              Originally posted by eastyy
              It does not compare to gigawing 2 though for the dreamcast.
              Never played that mate - always fancied a 4-player sesh on a shooter too.
              Last edited by dataDave; 29-07-2005, 09:55.


                Here's a decent video of it

                Never played GW2 either.
                Last edited by Kubrick; 29-07-2005, 21:02.


                  Gigawing 2 i think is fantastic.Great graphics better than most shooters.More of a plot (in that there is one).Also have a reflect laser as well as the reflect barrier.The thing i like if you manage to reflect enough projectiles back (i think there has to be a certain amount of action on screen) you get a gem explosion where hundreds of green gems fly towards you so you get more points

                  here is a link to a vid



                    stage 1 score attack mode


                      Game is on it's way.

