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The great Xbox LIVE collaboration!

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    The great Xbox LIVE collaboration!

    Me and some of the other regular halo players have decided that we need another xbox live game for us all to have, after careful consideration we decided that Power drome would be a good bet. Its a rarity so its a good investment for future ebay sellings ( :P ) Its got some decent review including an 8 from edge and a 7 on this very site itself.

    Best thing is, its only ?4.99 at

    or if you can't be arsed to buy online, or happen to be passing a GAME store, its ?9.98 in their sale.

    So far we have 3 confirmed buyers for the game

    EvilBoris DX
    E Randy Dupre
    Family Fry

    come on guys, you can't argue for under a fiver!

    Got it today. Rumour is that anything over one-on-one online is a bit screwed, but as I'm the only person currently playing it I can't test that out. Online tables are basically empty - there are a grand total of two times posted for the second course, one of which is mine. They weren't joking when they said that nobody bought this thing.

    Shame, because it's really good.

    Supaglue tells me that it's also ?4.99 in high street HMVs.


      Played this and it was reasonably enjoyable - It's a real pity Quantum Redshift never made it online as that rocked. If I see it about I'll pick it up but I'd rather play Forza TBH.

      A good bet for this kind of thing might be Crimson Skies ? It was always great fun and un-laggy !!


        Thats kinda cool, that means we'll have the online ranking to ourselves then. Did it do any kind of update at all?


          Nope. Lyrical's posted something over at GHZ saying that there was a patch in the works, but it was never finished or released due to Argonaut going down the pan.

          Turns out that there *might* be a problem with the online tables, too. Apparently, they were more populated than this a week or so ago, but for some reason they've been wiped. Probably a maintenance thing rather than anything more serious, though.


            Terrible game, uncontrollable was what came to mind when I first yarred it.

            How about another No one plays that enough!


              It's hardly "terrible," not by any stretch of the imagination. The craft are just really responsive - you need to make tiny adjustments on the analogue stick, not twist the thing out of its socket like in most other racers.

              But then, given that you yarred it, I don't expect that you actually played it for more than five minutes. No need to try and get your money's worth.


                Mine has been shipped today, I'm really interested in seeing what its like, could it be the closest thing to an online f-zero? I guess there are no weapons?


                  the big N messed up big time when they never made the GC online. me hopes they dont mess up the revoltuion's servers so we end up with ps2 like servers




                      I'm in - I've got it and have been gunning around. It's very, very good, and ****ING FAST. Put me down...


                        I've just ordered it from HMV. I know the game is good- it got good reviews- but it was supposed to come out June2004 and got delayed until the winter by which time people had forgotten about it and bought other games.

                        I am up for some Live sessions- sign me up!


                          Sodding hell, went to order it today finally, after blooming finding out it was ?4.99 on hmv online....and they have fecking changed it back to ?9.99.
                          Now gonna get it tomorrow, trade some old tat in at gamestation for it.
                          Will have it tomorrow.


                            That's coz Paleface bought it - consumer interest = uppa da price.

                            Paleface is going up the HMV corporate ladder


                              I bought it from Virgin for ?7.99. Couldn't be arsed waiting for HMV to deliver.

                              So nah

