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    I didn't have to put the password in tonight to get on?

    And there were some real tools on the server as well, there's nothing I hate more than people punishing teamkills, as far as I'm concerned if it's a one off round a contested flag, if you've run over your sides mines or run round a corner and got shot then punishing that is just not on, absolute nob-jockey imo....

    EDIT: Strawp will back me up on this one, we both resorted to writing complaints (which as far as I'm concerned, writing a comment in the heat of battle shows just how annoyed you are!)...


    i will get in touch with multiplay to see what the score is

    5 mins later


    OK heres the deal - no ranked servers are now passworded, EA in their wisdom (****ing idiots tbh) have made this a stipulation of the patch. Unranked games can be passworded, but not ranked ...

    now what i will do is appoint a couple of admins to help run the server (me looks around for volunteers) ... this will be basic admin rights ie kick, ban and map change, so if anyone comes online being idiots just remove them. it will need to be people who play on there quite a bit so if interested contact me asap

    sorry for the inconvenience tonight ... i can't understand why EA have done such a stupid thing - they have also changed the minimum number of players to start a game, stopped us removing the time limit/increasing ticket number etc etc

    way to go ****ing up a brilliant game ....


      God damn, means I have to learn all the rcon commands


        I'm prepared to help admin if needed, used to admin a RTCW server back in the days


          And they wonder why people complain that their online services are always ****...

          Why no passwords on a ranked server? We don't want to play with ****wits ? it's nice having our own little haven to play on. Damn you, EA.

