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Bloody people

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    Bloody people

    This week has seen a trend of punishing for teamkills - What's going on? I never punish for teamkills, unless the guy blatantly shoots me in the face for the third time - In the heat of battle, it happens - Even worse is when people punish the commander for artillery, even though the big red artillery symbol appears on the map, accompanied by the "artillery in your area" warning blasted out of your speakers.

    We are never going to win as a team if we dont start acting like one - Dont punish for teamkills on the NTSC server!

    Indeed - if I'm blasting away with a heavy machine gun and you decide to do a dance in front of me... you're smoke.

    Although I can understand people punishing by accident, I remember my first game I was hitting page down rather than page up by mistake.


      The question is badly worded. They should ask if you want to punish, not if you want to forgive. I always think to myself, `no, I don't want to punish you`, so reach for the No key but then have to stop myself and go for the other one.


        Indeed! Also, the default, I'm too busy to respond, response, should be not to punish but if you get caught in a firefight, or for whatever reason you don't do anything. you punish..

        One of the worst parts of being commander, I was on a 64 player once when a blackhawk from my own team decided to land slap bang on the artillery logo.. 6 teamkills and 6 punishments later, I had the highest kill rating on the map but also the highest negative points figure!!


          Don't I know it, just a few days ago some guy drives a fully loaded APC over a few mines of mine and a second later I'm back at the browser screen with the following message "You've been banned for excessive team killing".

