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BF2 Combat: Tour of Duty

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    BF2 Combat: Tour of Duty


    EA and Planet Combat are pleased to announce two initiatives that have been building up for some time and are now ready to roll: BF2 Combat: The Battlefield 2 Tour of Duty and the Ranked Server Admin Program. Both of these initiatives are provided to the community entirely by the team at Planet Combat, with our blessing.

    BF2 Combat, the Battlefield 2 Tour of Duty, is a unique community which will allow players to experience Battlefield 2 as never before. Featuring multiple ten-hour battles every week (of which members can attend as many or as little as they like) the Tour of Duty offers members a hierarchically-structured environment replete with cool features. During signup, people have the option of enlisting to fight for the United States Army or Marine Corps, the Middle Eastern Coalition Armies, or the People's Liberation Army. All divisions offer the same superior game experience. Players can elect to participate in a variety of programs, including an Army Ranger School designed by real US Army Rangers and a wide swath of qualifications. Perhaps the coolest thing about the Tour of Duty is that the world changes dynamically not only after each battle but also after each three month Tour. That means generals are able to decide what areas they will attack next, and the maps played will reflect these decisions. Members will also be able to bring their unlocked weapons in on battle day and will get priority selection for BF2 Combat's public ranked servers.

    The Tour of Duty works not only for the hardcore gamer, it's a great environment for those new to the Battlefield Franchise to learn the ropes and to get better. BF2 Combat's clan fusion, allows clans, LAN Centers, or other groups of up to fifty to join and fight as one contiguous unit. Members can also participate in the map-making team, movie production squad, or writers' guild if so inclined, and they're always looking for new ways to improve the system.

    European gamers needn't worry. Planet Combat will soon begin offering high-quality Game Daemons servers on both sides of the Atlantic. About 40% of BF2 Combat's members are European, and the Tour is a place to work on English and fight with a team from your own country. Members will also be eligible for GeForce 6800 Ultras from NVIDIA, a complete Alienware system, and Zboards decked out with BF2 key sets! All in all, the Tour of Duty system is one of the most innovative community programs we've seen in a long time and we expect participants will have an outstanding time with it!

    Planet Combat will also be setting up regular mini-tours on Friday nights to offer the public a taste of what the Tour is like and to show why you should join. These regular events will feature prizes such as NVIDIA cards and Zboards, and will allow people to play in 64 player, organized fights. Keep checking back here for more info.


    Less interesting...

    BF2 Ranked Server Admin Program
    Lock and load! Playing on ranked servers is about to get a lot more fun! We're pleased to announce the Planet Combat Network Ranked Server Admin program, which has been designed and implemented by Planet Combat and will be coming to you on EA Official Servers worldwide. This unique system will allow all players the opportunity to moderate the experience they are having on our servers and have a positive impact on the communities in which they play. As well as servicing the EA Official Servers, you will also encounter Planet Combat teams on NVIDIA servers, Zboard servers, and Game Daemons servers.

    Starting immediately the Planet Combat Admin team will begin to enforce about players breaking the EA's Terms of Service (which all users accepted upon creating their BF2 account), including those exploiting the stat system -- medic cheaters we're looking at you! -- or others exhibiting obnoxious behavior. Players breaking the Terms of Service are subject to kicks, short-term bans and even system-wide permanent bans. Additionally, exploiters will have their stats busted down by EA's Customer Support team.

    Our thanks to the Planet Combat team for creating and administrating the program, which should have a profound impact on the end-user playing on EA, nVidia, Zboard and Game Daemons servers.

    If you are a game server owner and would like to have your servers administrated as part of this program drop the guys an email at [email protected] for more information. If you are interested in helping out the admin program, please check out the forums at BF2 Ranked Servers

    Looking at this thing further, seems like they've turned it into a mmorpg style game. Yes, you even have to pay a subscription. From their site it looks like it is $35 per year, which isn't so bad, but still a bit cunning of them.

    edit -
    year $34.95
    6month $18.50
    3month $9.95
    Last edited by PeteJ; 22-07-2005, 10:43.

