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Rllmuk vs Ntsc friday 29/07/05

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    Rllmuk vs Ntsc friday 29/07/05

    A full week to get this one sorted if Rllmuk are willing to take us on again

    Different concept this time though - server will be unranked so we can password it - and it will be 2 maps only, 3 rounds per map. Tickets will be set at 200.

    Rllmuk pick a map and team - we pick a map and team (so essentially it will be home and away)

    so thats:

    2 maps
    3 rounds
    20 mins per round and/or 200 tickets

    the only problem is that I don't think unlocked weapons can be used on unranked servers - will look into that and report back

    also, to make it more formal, it might be a good idea for both forums to submit their team sheets a few days before the match - that way there will be no dropouts at the last moment unlike tonight when only half of our team showed up

    Damn, another match that I can't make it to.


      Well I'm up for it again, but only if we can ensure we have a team.


        Originally posted by PeteJ
        Well I'm up for it again, but only if we can ensure we have a team.
        I'm still in the UK, I fly home to Norge tomorrow, but won't be able to make it. I will be back playing shortly, but couldn't over the holiday due to the crapness of the family PC


          So did anyone play last night?


            Call me Johnny Come Lately, but I'd never even seen this section of the forum! I did stumble upon the NTSC-UK server once, but with the search functionality of the in-game browser severely limited I'd not found it again.

            Anyway, now I have the ip, if you guys ever need an extra person for a game, let me know and I'll try and make it.

