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Rainbow 6: Lockdown OXM Live Demo

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    Rainbow 6: Lockdown OXM Live Demo

    Instead of clogging up the Halo 2 thread, I thought I?d start a new topic for this.

    Anyone else got this? The Live enabled demo is on this month's OXM.

    I played a couple of games last night and wasn?t impressed to be honest. I know it is only a demo, but it looked a step back from Black Arrow (which I loved and played loads of). The frame rate was ropey and the controls just didn?t feel right. You have a visor, which forms part of your HUD, but I just found it distracting. There is only one map and one mode (Retrieval, which is CTF with canisters). The map wasn't anything special and the experience was hurt by an annoying female voice constantly giving you updates on the canister.

    All these problems may be cleared up in the final release, but the main one probably won?t be: the lobby system. Nothing has changed from BA. In other words, you can?t join a game mid way through (you can sit in the lobby though), if the host quits mid game the game ends, and the only way of joining a game is the old system of seeing servers (people?s xboxs) and joining. This means that it can take 5 to 10 minutes to find a game that you want to play in that is about to begin. And once in, you have no idea whether the people with you will be experts and beginners etc. Basically, after Halo 2?s matchmaking system, which guarantees that you will be matched very quickly with players of roughly equal standard, this seems a huge step back.

    I?ll reserve judgement until the final release and may end up getting it anyway. But from what I?ve seen, I?d be surprised if it is worth getting. It may be almost a year old, but Halo 2 still looks miles better.
    Last edited by Soi; 11-08-2005, 11:56.

    I stopped caring about that game after they removed that unique face modelling thing they had going for it, plus its been delayed far too much - most Xbox gamers will be mostly concerned with Battlefield/farcry now fps wise up until the 360 launches and then there's going to be Ghost Recon 3. Not alot of point buying this anymore.


      Ubisoft have spread themselves too thin. The delays for this signalled worry in me - The same as FarCry which I fully expect to suck despite the promising screenies. Anybody seen a hands on ? nope. Some mag will be lavished with cash to proclaim it best thing ever but I'll bet it's a pile of buggy pish.

      Mind you I'm a pessimistic bastard.

      Regarding the live functionality though that's very disappointing. Remember when MotoGP came out and MS were so impressed with the online code they rolled it back into the XB-SDK ? They should've done it with Halo2 - Nothing can even touch it when it comes to LIVE and it's frustrating cos I want to enjoy new things but just find myself thinking how much smoother the live experience is.


        I`ve already made my opinions known about this demo over at rllmuk but i thought the changes they`ve made gameplay wise has ruined it. The characters move way to fast now imo and seems to be a lack of being able to pick people of anymore. Plus you can take alot more hits now which doesn`t help in picking people of and you don`t have to be as careful as you used to. It just feels totally wrong to me. The bugs i can forgive as its only a demo but some of the core gameplay changes i can`t forgive.


          I agree, part of the charm of RS3 and BA was that moving around carelessly got you shot and that picking people off was easy (as long as you wre not moving yourself). Made the game really tense.



            Really liked the idea of this on paper. RB6 was the only FPS where you had to think your way around every corner. Guess I'll have to make do with good old Halo 2 SWAT. Hmmm, time to try recreating total conquest me thinks.

            As for the front end, I seriously hope they have made it into the 360-sdk, come on surely server lists should have no rightful place on a console.


              Played the demo and thought it was pretty rubbish. Back 2 ghost recon Summit Strike till 360 lands methinks!

