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Moto GP 3 (xbox)

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    Moto GP 3 (xbox)

    just got home with my copy, and fully intend to give it a good seeing to.

    anybody else at all bothered by this game?

    would be nice to have a few games while were all still reletavly crappy.

    Only played the demo, but it seemed to have a dodgey frame rate?. I still prefer the namco motogp's, but this one looks game to have alot more variety.

    EDIT: whoops, didnt realise this was about online play.
    Last edited by lurch996; 02-09-2005, 16:12.


      I'm with Lurch - the framerate does indeed seem a bit ropey (particularly visible on replays) which I found surprising.

      However, I gather live integration has been nicely done though I've still a lot of Forza to play through.


        Mine's not arrived yet :/ but as soon as it does I'll be up for a game - I doubt the handling model has changed much from Moto GP 2, so I shall get some practice in on this in the meantime.


          Its silky smooth, and beautiful to look at, first impressions are very good as expected. Im not bothered by the replays at all so couldnt care less if they were jerky or not.


            in race it seems just fine, certainly as good as the 2nd game, which i had no issues with.
            in replays, it looks awfull. i havent cared to mess with any options, but the default seems to be trying to recreate tv footage. with out of focus bits and weird static effects....its pretty horrible. but i cant think of any reason to wtach them.

            i've now had a few hours playing it, and for the most part its almost identical to 2...looks a bit crisper, but plays the same. obviously some of the GP tracks are different, and you have an extra 16 'extreme' tracks too. but from the ones i've seen its not like they're unrealistic at all, and certainly seem to fit in with it all.

            had some cool races online, with absolutely everybody using the rubbish bikes you first have access to its quite close. there also doesnt seem to be a huge amount of people on yet, and all the rooms i've been in so far have been as freindly as the community has been on no2 for the past year or so.

            decided to try and get my credits for a nice custom bike now...not quite sure how it gives them to youo yet though. i seem to get 5 for just doing a race, didnt even come first in some, and also got a few when i was online. However it work sit out it seems more generous than the last game anyway.


              Seems to be the way it's going now with these types of games - unlocking, if any is involved, is very quick & easy. I'm expecting BO4 to further this trend before PGR3 arrives.


                Community sucks if you're not playing with a microphone in there, I got booted out of about 3 rooms in a row.

                Anyone know what those numbers are after your name when you finish a race? Mine are around 90 usually with the CPU ranging from 28 to 45 and sometimes even 90 odd as well.


                  yeah, people are really wierd about the mike in this game....even if you dont wear it, just leave it plugged in, otherwise you'll get kicked.

                  the number after your name is your seed. starts off at 100, and drops a certain amount depending on the seed of your competitors.
                  every time it drops one point, your rewarded with some credits for your custom bike.
                  ...muuch easier to do it offline where the cpu has a low seed, but is still crap and easy to beat.


                    Ah ok thanks that makes sense. I'll add you to my friends list next time I am on Live fuddle and maybe we can hook up for some races. Might not be on for a bit though as I'm having a few computer related problems.

