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the 'we love quake 3' online sessions

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    the 'we love quake 3' online sessions

    seeing as quake 3 source has been released and already made to run on a modded xbox there has to be some renewed interest in what (in my opinion at least) is one of the greatest online fps games ever made... it's so fast, so smooth, so brutal that it pees all over certain recent games in a pure deathmatch environment.

    so, i propose a bit of a session at some point in the future as face it, anyone who's played the games and likes fps has loved this...

    i've q3 and team arena with no other such mods, though i've heard some are fantastic fun, any recommendations let me know and we'll hook up and get the giblets flying

    It's all about the OSP. Grab the latest version and it has support for just about everything. Promode style enemy skins (ie you can change colours to suit), various gametypes and fixes etc.

    I tend to play a lot of Clan Arena still (think Rocket Arena), and normally on the dutch xs4all server XS4ALL - OSP CA Be warned the standard is quite high (hence my ass being repeatedly handed to me), and you may need to do some serious cfg twiddling to get it looking as you like it.

    I'm happy to give any pointers or answer any specific questions.

    If any of you do find your way on, you'll need the OSP mod as linked to above, the 1.32 point release patch for Q3, and a few custom maps (the server only runs a rotation of 6). The ones to download are overkill.pk3, 6++.pk3 and ospra3map1.pk3.

    All that said, I'm happy to play any mod just about so name it


      Here's a couple of screenies of my cfg in action, and here is a demo of a quick blast round pro-q3dm6.


        I used to go to a lot of lans (lan101 yearly) etc and everyone would have their display looking like that on quake 1 too, r_mipscale or whatever

        now I understand why as its for higher visibility etc but when does it stop hehe I mean if some people could they'd just have a black screen with the white dot being the opponent so its easier for them.

        it does help though, ****e I aint played quake 3 in ages I still enjoy it , I remember the painstaking wait for it to come out and playing the q3trials and the leaked demo with the rotating mirror to death, took ages to get SGI GL working on the voodoo1 instead of glide etc as it wouldn't run otherwise, then when it did it looked stunning but ran at 10fps and under. guess we were never supposed to see it.

        I love quakeworld too, spent far too much time on DM3/DM4, its great on DM4 when some newb shoots you into the lava and you spring out like "PHOENIX - DIE BITCH"

        he's just like O_O

        ah some quake1'ers might know what my rambles mean.


          Yes, The Bad Place became like breathing for some people, it was just played constantly.


            I honestly believe i kick ass at quake 3 (and quake 4, but i don't like it as much as 3) - just tell me the server and i'll be there. I don't have osp mod or any stupid cfg files tho - just vanilla DM sorts me out


              Might be time to reinstall this yet again. If I remember rightly the image just looked distorted and horrible at 1280*1024 and punkbuster wouldn't update .
              Then again I didn't spend that long playing about with the settings.
              Been tempted to get Q4 for the multiplayer. Kind of used to this running stupidly fast so changing it to a new version that will barely chug along on my PC has put me off.


                1280? I play at 1024 and that's considered overkill, most people still play at 640 x 480 regardless of card

                As for punkbuster, go to the pb website and download the pbsec.htm file manually, much faster than waiting for the in-game updater.


                  Originally posted by babs
                  1280? I play at 1024 and that's considered overkill, most people still play at 640 x 480 regardless of card
                  Thats the default res for my LCD screen. Play at anything less than that and it all starts to scale and look nasty.


                    Ahh fair enough


                      Yeah I do 1024 as well - **** the purity I just want to play and have it look nice

                      Plus it's one of the only things i can run full pelt on my pc now 8)

                      I'm up for some of this anytime - name it


                        Why do I keep uninstalling and reinstalling this.

                        I even went as far as getting rid of a copy and then going out and buying it again.


                          The Xbox version is pretty good... just installed and had a wee play.

                          Given its a beta there are still issues, a bit choppy with alot on screen but overall its superb.

