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Xbox Live Arcade: Gauntlet

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    Xbox Live Arcade: Gauntlet

    Is anyone here up for a co-operative session of Gauntlet sometime tonight? My record so far is reaching Level 12, I really want to hit the level 20 achievement with a few good players.

    Sure, add me to your friends (ChainsawFilms). I won't be online until pretty late though, probably 11.


      Sign me up too Silvergun I should be about on&off tonight haven't played a coop game yet !


        do you get infinite credits on this? (please say you don't...)


          Originally posted by Strider
          do you get infinite credits on this? (please say you don't...)
          Single player, yes.

          Co-operative, no.

          The way xbox live play works, is every player has 700 health, and no way of refilling it apart from food.

          If you die, you can't resurrect.

          However, if you clear that current level, everyone's health resets to 700 and you can revive your character.

          Hence why there are achievements for getting to level 10 and 20 in co-operative play. I had one hell of a good time with 3 players trying to get to past level 10...

          "Let the wizard get the beer, LET THE WIZARD GET THE BEER! Let the warrior go infront! You're going the wrong way! ARrrrgh!"
          Last edited by Silvergun X; 05-12-2005, 18:55.


            That sounds magic - can't wait to try it out.

            EDIT : It is magic. Played the other night with a French guy and 2 of our friends from over the pond and it was one of the best collaborative experiences I've had on live.

            "Warrior - go in front, Elf - push him"

            "Valkyrie - swap places with Warrior"

            "Warrior - Get that health - No don't shoot the health FFS"

            Magic. Being able to blast Custom Tunez over the top is the icing on the cake.
            Last edited by Yoshimax; 16-12-2005, 09:00.

