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    ill be getting back on this today (had to reinstall windows)

    on draenor server with lvl 41 (i think..might be 42 or even 40) undead warrior called astraturbo


      Originally posted by Irons
      On the gold buying issue.

      There is only 1 thing in WoW I could imagine anyone wanting to buy gold for. Their epic mount, all the best gear is BoP, you have to be there when the item drops to get it. Yes you have world drop epics but apart from 1 or 2 these aren't worth it, they are usually only 5 levels above their respective blue alternative.

      As has been said though, don't buy gold as it can seriously affect a server. I'm a FFxi player as well and I've seen what gold buying can do.

      2 gathering skills is a good gold earner though, high level herbs (Dreamfoil etc) can sell for 12-15g a stack. Or you could just grind Runecloth and sell that.
      THere are plenty of crafted items at the high end, esp Silithus and Zul'Gurub based faction stuff that needs mats you can buy.

      Sulfuron, The Hand of Ragnaros needs a lot of mats that you could buy if you had gold too and that's Legendary class.


        Im on Draenor, LV60 shaman - gouki

        My guild are farming MC right now, and learning the Ragnaros fight - mad fun!!!


          got another char now

          on draenor again, level 18 human mage called reece

