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Dead or Alive 4

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    random all the way fantazmo.I just can't pick one character,i'd rather be suprised
    Ahh, a man after my own heart! I'm ****, but i still prefer random I've noticed yanks are the worst for choosing the same guy and doing the same move time after time!



      come and join our games then.We do nothing but random fights.It's great fun!


        After playing last night and getting my ass handed to me time after time i've dropped to a D+ , it really is demoralising!! I'll add you guys as friends, maybe you can teach me a thing or two!!


          Don't worry about it mate, I was swapping between an E+ and D- for ages when I first got this game! I've managed to claw my way up to a C now. I haven't been able to get on much in the past week or so though, which is probably why I've stayed a C I'll have to try and make it on a bit this weekend, see if I can't get myself back in the D's where I belong Feel free to add me to your friends list (although you'll have to look to the other people on this forum to actually teach you anything!).


            I'm fed up of playing randoms on this who take it too seriously or spam the ninja moves over and over, feel free to add me for some games.


              Everybody play with us - we're really nice and Hazuki will only utterly pwn you once or twice

              Seriously this game is taking me over - 1:30am last night, 12:13ish the night before, worse the night before that.

              I must be nearing the 150 hours achievement even if it doesn't exist !!!!


                Yeah, NTSC-UK matches are really good fun, even if there aren't many people who can offer a challenge to the likes of Hazuki (unless you're me; I can quite happily challenge him to see just how few attacks he'll let me get out...and even then none of them hit him!).

                I'll be on on Monday night if I'm not over the weekend.


                  Yeah i think i'll do a mass friend invite tonight so when you see NINNIK accept it and hopefully we can have an NTSC mash up!!

                  Seriously this game is taking me over - 1:30am last night, 12:13ish the night before, worse the night before that.
                  I'm the same, so god knows what i'll be like when i get better and start winning matches consistantly. It just draws me back for more punishment!!


                    Finished up on this at about 2am last night with a nice wee 3 man lobby... me, Hazuki and some random A ranker. Was great watching Hazuki and this boy go at it, with Hazuki coming out on top mostly... I opted for Brad after multiple Random character beatings and got some great fights with Hazuki, registered 2 wins out of about 30 but some really close fights...

                    Superb atmosphere for playing and no idiots spamming the cheap characters... the NTSC DOA lobbies rule
                    Last edited by Mardigan8; 02-03-2006, 12:30.


                      What like Brad.....


                        Originally posted by Gerry Helmet
                        What like Brad.....
                        I beat you when you were Brad and will maintain my 100% record against you... its teh only one that really matters, hehehe. We did only have one fight but start as you mean to go on and all that

                        Brad aint cheap he just so hard to predict and if you dont know how to use him right he aint the best fighter to just get flung in with... he better than the Hyabusa whores that is for sure!!


                          Yeah, can't really call Mardigan's Brad cheap...Brad's just crap when I use him so he can't be that cheap. Mardigan's just mental with him though.


                            If you guys are playing random matches mostly, please add Stakers to your list. I seem to be in agreement with everyone above in that I'm so very bored of ninja after ninja fights.


                              Its Random all the way here matey... I only busted out the Brad as a last resort for all the pain I was sufferring at the hands of Hazuki !! Even then he still rag dolled me in most fights, had some crackers though.


                                Yup,another great night of fights guys.I swear some of my matches with yoshi,played out like a slick choreographed martial arts film.Fantastic matches bro.

                                But what the hell was that no1TEKKENLORD person all about?? i've never seen so much lag.Yoshi's fight with him took about 10 minutes to end! plus i was so eager to whoop his ass,after he took me out.The thing that hurt the most about that,was i did'nt even suffer from any lag when he beat me ft: but alas,i think he quit or something right in the middle of a match with mardigan.

                                Oh and mardigan,that A ranker started giving me some trouble after you left.Then he quit as well.Argggh!

                                Tricky brad FTW mardigan

