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Texas Hold'em Poker XBLA - Lose your money here.

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    Texas Hold'em Poker XBLA - Lose your money here.

    Been waiting for this one to get a release for a while now, and its release is now upon us.

    For those people who fancy themselves as a bit of a card shark, I'll be sorting my chips this evening - gamertag is MartyPG13.


    In like Flynn. Been dying for a shot of this.


      I should be on some time this evening, if the game is availiable by then


        I have no idea how to play poker. Should be fun.


          Tis easy to learn:


            I'll be on!


              LOL. Between MargyT and Charlie-Rtype (on Halo) I'm gonna have much fun taking mods down for the amount of times I've been banned. I just need Camps on something and I'm sorted.

              EDIT: That poker site is totally blocked by the school. Can anyone post the basics plz?
              Last edited by dataDave; 23-08-2006, 10:00.


                I have been looking forward to this for a long time bring it on tonight.......



                  Ill be on tonihgt about 10.40 after work if theres a table going


                    Dave - Google for "poker hands" you should get you something showing what hands are higher than others - it's all you'll need !!!


                      id just like to thank paulos for all the money this morning


                        Ok - the very basics.

                        The idea is to make the best hand ( Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House (three of a kind and a pair), Flush (all same suit), Straight (sequencial cards eg 10-9-8-7-6), Three of a Kind, Two Pair, Pair, Highest Single Card ) from a combination of the two cards your are dealt ( your pocket cards ), and the 5 cards dealt to the table.

                        Before a round starts, a player will post a big blind and the person to his right will post the small blind - these are the initial chips that go into pot - the blinds move around the table clockwise, so every player has to put money into the pot in turn.

                        Each player is then dealt two cards - the pocket cards

                        A round of betting follows in which you can fold, call, raise or check.

                        Dealer deals the flop - three cards onto the table

                        A round of betting follows in which you can fold, call, raise or check.

                        Dealer deals the turn card - four cards are now on the table

                        A round of betting follows in which you can fold, call, raise or check.

                        Dealer deals the river card - all five board cards are now on the table

                        Final round of betting follows in which you can fold, call, raise or check.

                        The person with the best hand from the combination of pocket and board cards takes the pot - if there are two or more hands the same the pot is split.

                        Blinds rotate to the next players and a new round starts.

                        Best pocket card hand you can get initially are:
                        Ace-King (suited)
                        Ace-Queen (suited)
                        King-Queen (suited)
                        Ace-Jack (suited)
                        Ace-King (offsuit)

                        So your betting rounds are based on what you've got, what other people might have, what you can make, and what you can bluff.

                        I wouldn't have thought wikipedia would be blocked, but I guess it depends on how bitchy your web proxy nanny is, try this link
                        Last edited by MartyG; 23-08-2006, 11:21.


                          How many people can play in one room?

                          Will be on tonight to beat you lots


                            Eight in a room. I'll be on!


                              shal we set up a 8 man table for tonight?

