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    Soi etc, when you wanna kick Yoshi's ass?!


      We got you slags ? ****in superb this is the ONE.

      Set the date ladies - And you might as well get your knickers round your ankles before we start.


        How about Wednesday or Thursday evening? Either would be fine for me, anytime after 8pm.


          OH HELL YEAH IT'S ON!!!!!!!

          Wed I can do 8pm, Thursday would have to be 9.15ish maybe even 10pm ish, i'm on a late nighter and wont get home til 9 maybe later.


            I'll accomodate - Parents staying with me Thur-Sun so if we could do Wed I can swear like a bast

            Otherwise I can do anytime.


              I would`ve had more fun sticking pins in my cock. As with ourselves, TG had a problem with getting players for the match, but the TG ringer was Canadian and given host. We should`ve been hosting that game if it was going to be an issue.

              yeah Just a wee note about this comment from last night as I dont think it was touched upon by anybody when it should have been.

              the more I think about it the more I am a bit peeved off about this problem from last night, how can a canadian thats brought in as a ringer be host to a match thats predominantly british people, Im not saying im a bad player and I cant deal with a bit of lag but it took our team to being 6-1 down before we got used to it, whereas the other team new what was coming and had a Bit of practice beforehand, I mean really its something that should be looked at in future cause if they didnt have a british player that could host then hosting privelages should have been passed to the other team. Hopefully this wont be allowed to happen again to any other team.

              EDITED by DavidHolliss: one more derogatory comment about Scousers in any thread here will result in you being banned.
              Last edited by VR46; 05-03-2007, 14:34.


                Why not have a replay then...but does it really matter? You'll get the return fixture and have host advantage won't you?

                You got beat mate, save the anger for the rematch


                  Gotta agree roping in Canadians seems a step too far - We have identified subs (i.e Jimtendo) who'll happily play shouldn't be a need to go outwith that !

                  And if they're on the other side of the ocean they certainly shouldn't be hosting !!!


                    yeah Jebus Im Not really asking or a rematch at the end of the day we got beat and I can move on I was just trying to point out that a canadian dude shouldnt be hosting on a forum site that is british and he isnt even a member of that team, it does give that team an unfair advantage, and I wouldnt want the next team they were playing to be given the same fate, cause really with a ****ty connection like that, your on a hiding to nothing.

                    Anyways even when I was playing ranked matches trying to get my seriously achievement I wouldnt have played on a connection like that, but nevermind maybe we will ship in our host for the next match from outer mongolia


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      Why not have a replay then...but does it really matter? You'll get the return fixture and have host advantage won't you?
                      That isn`t really the point, Jebus.

                      The match is done and dusted and I except the result, but Trev is just making people aware of what happened so others don`t have the same issue when playing TG.

                      The match should`ve been hosted by a UK player. I`m not arsed about host advantage, but I am bothered about the fact of where the host was located we were disadvantaged.

                      Anyway, the match is over and I`m looking forward to the next one.


                        To be honest I'm getting really, really tired of all the complaining. Ever since I started this thread all there has been is complaining, niggles and "suggestions"...I appreciate that everyone wants to contribute but the concept is very very simple. I put fixtures up, we all play.

                        It's up to the team captains to organise a host for the match, not me. Nobody else HAS had the same issue and if they did, it's up to them to either sort it out or refuse to play...if TG won't co-operate then as far as I'm concerned the win goes to the opposition.

                        If you felt strongly (and at least two of your team do) about the issue then you should have made a stand, I understand that you don't want it to happen to other teams and I can only speak for myself but that WON'T happen if we play them, end of. The rules state who the host should be (the captain) and if that isn't possible then it's common sense (to me at least) to have someone from within the UK hosting.

                        You are clearly both mates and have both gotten the "seriously" achievement. If you are looking for competition that lives up to that, you're in the wrong place, this is a friendly league and I want it to remain that way.

                        I understand you are both annoyed but to be honest I don't understand why you played if you knew the situation! I'm quite happy to say make it a rematch, in fact to be honest I'm pretty close to asking for that anyway.

                        The point I was trying to make Nembot is that whats done is done...if you want a rematch I'd be happy for that, in fact I think it sounds like a good idea, but otherwise there really is no point in complaining (or whatever) about it. I understand you are both agrieved by the situation but the continuation of the complain makes it look like split milk, you can have PM'd me about this rather than accussing another team of unfair play. Please can you do that in future.

                        I really don't mean to be harsh to you guys but I spent a lot of time setting this up and creating all the fixtures 14 weeks in advance and I'm really ****ing sick of complaints, suggestions, improvements and everything else. I know it's well intentioned but it's not rocket science, surely we all just want to play?

                        As I say, I don't intend harm and this really isn't directly aimed at you guys OR your team, it's been bugging me for a while...scan this thread and look at all the complaints/suggestions/etc...maybe you'll see why I'm a little peeved.

                        You are however, 100% correct about the hosting issue but it should never have happened and I'd ask anyone who encounters this problem again to refuse to play unless it's resolved, if the opposition causing the problem won't back down then please tell me VIA PM as to keep this thread clear of any further arguements and the win will be awarded to you.

                        Too much is being made of host advantage in my eyes, even if the host was canadian that only gives HIM the advantage, not his whole team. It's not like being the host gives the entire team a host advantage, only the individual user.

                        EDIT: Oh and apologies for the length of the post
                        Last edited by Jebus; 05-03-2007, 14:28.


                          Fair enough jebus I kinda understand wee bits of what ur saying, but to be honest it is a all a bit of an hassle, i've decided to resign for team cogsuckers as I really cant be bothered with all this moaning neither, all I was really after was a fair game and a bit of a laugh, but as 'm not getting that then theres really not much point in this so if theres anyone out there that wants to join team cogsuckers then theres a spare place

                          R.I.P TEAM NEMBOT


                            Jesus Christ - Get it together.

                            A) Jebus we (you) have to allow people to complain etc - It's always going to happen even with the best run tourneys - Your (unfortunate) job as organiser is to adjudicate i.e tell them how to resolve it - That way we don't end up with the above.

                            B) The league so far HAS been a good laugh - Even tanked up last week and performing poorly it was all good natured fun & If you can't take a bit of stick god help you when/if Anephric beats you !!!

                            C) The rules have to be malleable - We've already said this is for fun so for example I cannot stand 20 second bleedouts (except in Seabiscuit situations ) so I'd like to be able to agree a 10 second with whoever we're playing and if we all consent we go with that.

                            D) Having a host in the USA in what is a predominantly UK league (i.e everybody is in the UK) seems mental - I dunno how or why a Canadian was drafted but I'd suggest any other league member from here on in is a viable standby if they're online at the time and willing to participate - They're hardly going to play **** because it's not their team.

                            And you wonder why I gave up trying to do 2 of these at the same time Jebus ><

                            Just my 2 cents worth ! Would be a shame to see this descend into a mess as imo it's going great so far.


                              Er jeez, I knew this would happen. The reason why we got the canadian guy is because we (or a full game of british people from another forum) have played with him before on many occasions and we have had no problem with lag and he was the only player available. Half way through the match I could tell you guys where getting pissed off, and I regretted the teams desecion to include him, NOT because of hosting, but because he just wouldn't 'STFU' with his loud voice and wouldn't stop using the pistol (he doesnt seem to understand that it can be interpreted as a weapon of insult to the opposing team, which isn't needed, frankly). On our side of the game the lag was fine, and that isn't bull****. Hell, the host was in third place and in typical fashion Cuckooo had the most kills.

                              If you guys want a rematch and be host, go ahead that's fine. For me I want to have the most fun out of this league and meet some people without having to worry about peopel saying (or implying) that it was a huge delibate conspiracy to get the biggest advantage we can get. So yeah, you want another game thats fine, but you'll need to see what the rest of my other people in my team feel like and when we can have another game.
                              Last edited by El Leone; 05-03-2007, 15:02.


                                I plead for calm, and for no one to quit the league.

                                Come on guys -no one is bad mouthing anyone or being a real twat. There have been some minor disagreements, but that's life.

