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Team Fortress 2 (360) "KA-BOOOOOOOOOoooooom"

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    I managed to catch somes end games last night, damn fun! Me and spatial was owning everyone. More of that please!

    You can't beat a medic and a heavy...


      I'm a little late to the party with this one, finally got around to picking up a copy of The Orange Box yesterday and started straight away with Team Fortress 2, which is inevitably excellent.

      Are any NTSC-ukers still playing it?


        Despite having owned OrangeBox for a few months, I've only really just started playing TF2, as Portal and HL2 have kept me busy. Not really enjoying it as much as I thought I would, but I'm such an achievement completist, I can't NOT play it.


          I've been playing some of this.. Pretty good fun, and I like the 'silliness' but don't like the continuous dieing.


            Just picked this up so if anybody want's a game I'm on most evenings after the good lady has gone to bed around 10pm.


              ill be on friday night at some point but deffo saturday night

              gamertag rubiq if you fancy some comedy kills :P


                Might have a blast tonight.. see how it goes..


                  I'm one of the latecomers too, I fired up TF2 a few times over the weekend and was surprised at how horribly laggy and unplayable it was. Maybe it was just my connection but it was horrible. I'll give it a go again later after a router reboot maybe, or is this a known thing?

                  And yes, I was choosing matches with a strong green ping.


                    was playing for 4 or so hours last night, some were laggy but i think that may of been due to the crap host of the game, other games were perfect and allowed me to close in on that 1000 kill achievement. less than 250 kills to go


                      Ahh this time it was much better, must've been my end.


                        Hmm.. I've had problems with laggy games, but usually down to a crappy host. Usually fixed by starting a new game..


                          I seem to get a real mix. Sometimes it's fine and there are some games where the game will effectively freeze for anything from 5 seconds to what feels like forever. Jerking around all over the shop, if moving at all, player names coming up as NULLNAMEs. Perhaps I'll have to try with you chaps one night.


                            I've got right back into this on the 360 recently, so much so I think it's my favourite multiplayer FPS. Found myself in some very strange games where the hosts had modified certain parameters like movement speed, jump mechanics, colouring, lighting, echo and so on, some of which are very cool and make the game play quite differently.

                            Was playing one game a couple of days ago and a Valve Admin Staff entered the game as an observer and flashed up a message saying the 360 version would be getting DLC at the end of the month. I don't know whether there's any truth in that (I can't find any info confirming it on the net) or whether it was some guy messing around pretending to work for Valve.


                              I'd say it's bogus. Valve have left the 360 version of TF2 a long time ago unfortunately.

