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Eye of Judgement

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    Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
    Is your PS3 tag cavalcade ?
    Yup. I actually bought a PS3 early simply so I could be sure I wouldn't end up with CAV8LCOODE or something on PSN.


      No sorry not been online yet too bust getting beat by CPU I should be around online next couple of days on this. Few things still niggling me about cards specific rules I want to nail first hehe.


        heh after reading the ever expanding neogaf thread I now realise I'm missing out on about 50% of the sutff


          Six Six Six and so close to Halloween and all that
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
            Six Six Six and so close to Halloween and all that
            Lol, whats the difference between those leagues online? I stupidly joined the fire league which seems to have way more people than the others, online record is pretty good tho, 14 games 10 wins 4 loses, not lost a game all evening tho some were very close. Last game I had both of us were in check, it was his go but all he could do was summon a wood creature onto a stone panel, it killed his creature as soon as he summoned leaving me to summon my 1 point fire guy and win the game.

            It really does seem that low point cards and a few spells are the way to go, won quite a few games cuz my opponent blitzed all his mana on his big guns at the start of the game.


              I forgot about this thread...

              Stick me on the list as I want to start loosing to other people as well as my PS3 over the next week!


              Any chance of adding peoples forum name next to their PSN tag as some people have different ones and I'm just a little bit dim at remembering anything which isn't my own name?
              Last edited by JP; 30-10-2007, 21:23.


                I just joined the Water league, think they're all the same it's just to split things up ? you should still be able to see friends scores etc no matter what league they're in.

                Low mana requiring cards are the way to go in my opinion also.


                  Looking at my friends list, it says none of you have played ranked games online - or that may just be because we're ranked outside the top 100 (overall) ?

                  Got to a career high 27 honour points myself last night, whopee. Have played about 16 ranked games, lost 10, won 6 roughly.


                    Add me please. I can't find my head set, so won't be able to talk

                    Played four games online last night and won every single won
                    I'm currently using a modified Earth Emperor deck and it seems to be quite effective.
                    Last edited by Strider; 03-11-2007, 06:42.


                      Originally posted by harlowlad View Post
                      I am add me:-


                      I will add everyone from this list to my account
                      PSN says this tag doesn't exist - unless it means your friends list is full ?


                        I'm pretty sure PSN tells you if someone is over the limit, so I doubt it. Hopefully they'll up the limit for friends soon, I'm already having to manage my list and I don't use it that often.


                          Originally posted by Melon_bread View Post
                          Add me...

                          ID: Gunstar_Red
                          Well done in getting in top 1000 overall, your score etc now shows on the friends leaderboard option.

                          Bit harsh having to be in top 1000 overall to get your score to show


                            I'm about 777 at the moment. That top 1000 thing obviously explains why some of you aren't in there


                              is there anyway you can send invites to people or check to see if you're online while you're actually playing Eye of Judgement? If not doesn't the make the PS3's interface a piece of archaic ****?


                                I was in the middle of a race in Dirt and your message popped up and all I could see was the heading which said "Stupid PS3"!!

                                In game messaging is supposed to be added in the next firmware. The last PSP firmware had new features which stated that it needed PS3 firmware 2.0 to be able to use it. Sony usually update it within a couple of weeks when they do that.

                                You should be able to do that by the weekend!

                                A little off topic but it's nice to see that they've added some new avatars! Loving the new Egyptian look Strider!!

