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Gears of War reunion - tonight!!!!

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    Gears of War reunion - tonight!!!!

    Ladies and gents, it's been a while. Who's coming to lay a smack down on XBL at 8.30/9pm

    Bleeders you teet stop lurking and say yes! Yoshi's says yes too!!


      going to watch heroes then i will be on rod is up for it too !


        Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
        going to watch heroes then i will be on rod is up for it too !
        You've missed it, just ask Bleeders!!! Back on at 10:15pm


          lol, gayers of bore


            It didn't take long to find out why this has died on it's arse with the ranked ****.

            It's still full of wankers, who in the end provided more mirth than the game did! Mechanics felt a bit clunky to me coming off the back of Halo/COD4.

            Best enjoyed with FL peepz.


              I gotta disagree B - played with Nige this afternoon coming off (another) of those awful Halo3 sessions (we blame Boris router) and it was sublime.

              We played one game of warzone 8 rounds with some Americans and it was just awesome - the banter mid-rounds, the team chat, the skill of everybody playing - it was just perfect.

              I'm hard for Gears again


                Probably got one of those games tbh mate, still a good game mind, although the controls felt alien to me.


                  Good session again last night on this for a short while bar the prick who felt it necessary to glitch out the Tyro Station map EVERY ****ING ROUND.

                  Neg feedback FTW


                    Yeah, I negged the ****er too.


                      I got the invite to join this massacre just when I was watching the end credits of Half-life2, when I had Gears up and running I tried to join but the game was already full I think ...
                      Next time I'll try to join, because it has been a long time since I was in an online bloodbath!


                        Make sure you invite me if you see me online chaps. Although I have a horrid feeling my headset isn't working. Wanted to give Yoshi some abuse over the internets the other night and it wouldn't work properly.


                          It was fine first time then was having none of it after that - could you hear the voice messages I sent you ? I couldn't hear Jack-**** my end but was in a lobby with Bleeders and everytime I dropped back to it we could hear each other fine ???


                            Does anyone play co-op of this here? I gave up on it like a year ago and want to finish Act 5, I can't beat the final boss (i'm playing on casual as well!) Anyone care to assist me please?


                              I'll help you take down the final boss. Send me a friend invite (I think I have a friend slot free - if not PM me and I'll delete someone who I don't play with anymore) and when you see me on Live send me an invite. Beating him should only take 5 minutes.

